Tag: robert traynor



Are You “Clued-in” to Offer the Ultimate Patient Experience?

While most practices have neither the Imagineers nor unlimited financial capabilities to create an audiology clinic for a “Disney experience,” practice managers should realize that every patient visit to the clinic has to be an unexpected positive experience to turn them into a loyal, repeat customer.

Survival Strategies in a Competitive Hearing Healthcare Market

To formulate any reasonable strategy for thriving in today’s hearing healthcare market, it is useful to understand where we are today, how we got here, and what might come in the future. Part 1 of this 2-part article offers a perspective about how industry consolidation has changed the hearing healthcare market and the current major trends that could influence the future strategies of an independent practice owner.

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Blog Page: Historical Development of the TTY

This marks the “Final Chapter” in a story about the development of the TTY. The story’s beginning focused on Robert Weitbrecht’s invention of the acoustic coupler, a collaboration with Dr James Marstens and Andrew Saks (see Part I, Part II, and Part III of this series at hearinghealthmatters.com). A significant pioneer in the history of the TTY is Dr Paul L. Taylor III of the Rochester Institute of Technology/National Institute for the Deaf (RIT/NID).

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