Tag: hearing test



Soundwave Hearing Launches Sontro Hearing Aids

Soundwave Hearing announced the launch of its new smart hearing aid and mobile app. The Sontro Hearing Aids (Model AI) are wireless, self-programming hearing aids that have been developed to amplify sound for individuals 18 years or older with perceived mild-to-moderate hearing impairment.  

Hearing Test Uncovers Hidden Hearing Loss

Many adults report difficulties hearing in everyday situations despite having normal or near-normal hearing test results. Researchers have developed a hearing test that identifies hearing loss or deficits in individuals who are considered to have normal or near-normal hearing in traditional tests.

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Right Product; Right Message: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Interacting with Patients

This article is a micro-level analysis of how hearing care professionals can help patients deconstruct their hearing loss and reprogram “wrong messages.” To the extent that a person with hearing loss has internalized negative social norms, a “traditional” audiology or hearing care visit is likely to trigger shame-based self-evaluative cognitions. For example, “I didn’t study properly for the hearing test, therefore I’m unworthy.”

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