Tag: audiologist



FDA Proposed Rules for OTC Hearing Aids Extend Beyond OTC

The 114-page rules document published today in the Federal Register covers most aspects related to OTC hearing aid manufacturing, electroacoustic requirements, packaging and labeling, returns, and conditions for sale. In an effort to promote more consistency in the regulations and enforcement of hearing aid manufacturing and distribution, the FDA is also proposing several important changes that could affect the industry and state-wide hearing aid dispensing.

AAA 2021 Virtual Convention Starts on Wednesday, April 14!

The American Academy of Audiology’s 2021 Convention will take place virtually this year from April 14-16, with registration open now. This year’s convention will feature the same exceptional presentations and events that all AAA Conventions are known for, including learning sessions and many opportunities to interact with colleagues, industry representatives, audiology students and other hearing healthcare professionals.

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Managing Managed Care

Managed care is substantially growing in depth and breadth every year. Telehealth, OTC, the current pandemic, and other factors significantly impact the modern hearing care office in tandem with managed care. Therefore, as we evaluate, select and participate in managed care, we must seek and select the opportunities which best meet the goals and needs of the modern hearing care office.

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Pent-Up Demand for Hearing Aids in 2021

Older Americans across the nation are slowly but surely receiving COVID-19 vaccinations, and non-emergent medical visits that were put off may indeed be scheduled by mid-2021 or sooner. When and if those positive conditions materialize, hearing care professionals (HCPs) need to be in the right place at the right time—with the right products and financing options.

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US Hearing Aid Sales Fall by 18% in 2020

According to Hearing Industries Association (HIA) statistics, total net hearing aid sales in 2020 reached 3.47 million units, a decrease of 18.0%, with the private/commercial sector experiencing a decrease of 14.2% and the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) a decrease of 34.0%. Here is an analysis of hearing aid sales in 2020, including state-by-state unit losses, and what the future might hold in 2021.

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Hearing Loss Recognized in American Diabetes Association’s Standards of Medical Care

The American Diabetes Association has recognized hearing loss as being more common in people with diabetes, and added audiology to its table on referrals for initial diabetes care management in its recent updated “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2021” published in the January 2021 edition of Diabetes Care, the organization’s professional magazine.

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