Category: Legislation



NCL Supports “Safe OTC Hearing Aid Standards”

Mild-to-moderate hearing loss is a difficult reality that millions of Americans struggle with, which is why the availability of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids is exciting for those who are impacted by hearing loss. While making OTC hearing aids more accessible is a promising step for consumers, we at NCL would be remiss if we didn’t underscore our concerns around the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) proposed OTC hearing regulations as they currently exist.

NAAG Urges FDA to Preserve State Regulation of OTC Hearing Aids

The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) cautions that OTC hearing aid rules currently under review by the FDA may unintentionally hinder or repeal important consumer protection authorities, undermining states’ ability to ensure safe and affordable access to hearing aids. Currently, all 50 states have hearing professional licensing requirements and many have important protections for hearing aid consumers, including advertising restrictions, as well as mandatory warrantees and returns.

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ACI Alliance Supports Passage of 2021 ‘EDHI Act’

The House of Representatives passed “HR 5561, the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act of 2021,” on a 410-17 vote. The bill would reauthorize the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the ACI Alliance said in its announcement.

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Senate Mulls “Build Back Better Act” and Coverage of Hearing Aids by Medicare

The $1.9 trillion Build Back Better Act was passed by the US House of Representatives on Friday, November 19, and is now with the Senate for what is sure to be a bumpy ride. The bill includes coverage of hearing aids once every 5 years for people with severe to profound hearing loss, as well as funding for universal preschool, expanded Child Tax Credits, several health and pandemic-related initiatives, renewable energy credits, and more.

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