Tag: noise-induced hearing loss



OSHA Initiative Aims to Prevent Hearing Loss in Midwest Workplaces

The US Department of Labor’s (DOL) Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Kansas City regional office has established a Regional Emphasis Program to target inspections of general industry and construction workplaces at high risk of noise exposure and to raise awareness among Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska employers of noise hazards and required safety measures, according to an announcement on the DOL website.



Researchers Map Noise-Induced Hearing Changes

A team led by researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) has published an online interactive atlas representing the changes in the levels of RNA made in the different cell types in ears of mice, after damage due to loud noise. These changes in RNA levels are known as changes in “gene expression.”

Researchers Find Link Between Osteoporosis, Hearing Loss

As part of the Conservation of Hearing Study (CHEARS), researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital analyzed data from nearly 144,000 women who were followed for up to 34 years. They found that risk of subsequent moderate or worse hearing loss was up to 40% higher in study participants with osteoporosis or low bone density (LBD).

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Frequency Therapeutics Updates Progress on Hearing Loss Treatments, Q1 2021 Financials

In the company’s announcement, Frequency Therapeutics provides updates on data from its recent FX-322 Clinical Readouts, including new information from a Phase 1b study in presbycusis, and further clarifies acquired sensorineural hearing loss target populations and future study design. The company anticipates initiating a new FX-322 Phase 2 Study in H2 2021.

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HIA Releases Results of Hearing Loss Survey

New research announced by the Hearing Industries Association (HIA) reveals that 4 out of 5 Americans consider hearing loss serious, but ignoring the problem is more common than you may think. Fewer than 16% of adults ages 20-69 who need a hearing aid use one. That number almost doubles to 30% for adults over age 70 who need a hearing aid but don’t use one, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD).

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LRADs, Trumpets, and Loudspeakers

LRADs are loudspeaker systems on steroids and are easily capable of generating outputs on the order of 120 dBA at 10 meters. Although we don’t have very good models for noise exposure over 115 dBA, we do know that levels of 120 dBA (with peaks being up to 15 dB higher) can create acoustic trauma.

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Research Shows Hair Cell Damage May Be Main Cause of Age-related Hearing Loss

Researchers examined 120 inner ears collected at autopsy. They used multivariable statistical regression to compare data on the survival of hair cells, nerve fibers, and the stria vascularis with the patients’ audiograms to uncover the main predictor of the hearing loss in this aging population. They found that the degree and location of hair cell death predicted the severity and pattern of the hearing loss, while stria vascularis damage did not.

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