Tag: audiology

How Might the Brain Change When We Reintroduce Sound? Interview with Anu Sharma, PhD

New research shows that after wearing professionally fit quality hearing aids, a patient’s brain may “re-organize” its auditory processing centers back towards its original state prior to the hearing loss—with corresponding gains in auditory speech perception abilities and improvements in global cognitive function, executive function, processing speed, and visual working memory performance. Anu Sharma discusses the research findings with Douglas Beck.

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Does Tinnitus Get Worse as Hearing Loss Increases in Severity?

“Our results suggest that tinnitus will likely get louder, but not by very much,” write Hashir Aazh, PhD, and Richard Salvi, PhD, in their recent study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology which shows only a weak association between tinnitus loudness and puretone average (PTA) thresholds.

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Inaugural AudBoss Summit Held in Naples, Fla

About 160 private practice professionals attended the 2019 AudBoss Summit, said to be one of the field’s largest learning events dedicated solely to private practice audiologist owners, on October 2-5 at the Hilton Naples in Naples, Fla.

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ADA to ‘Move the Needle’ at 2019 AuDACITY Convention on November 14-16

The Academy of Doctors of Audiology will hold its 2019 AuDACITY Convention on November 14-16 at the Gaylord National Resort & Conference Center in National Harbor, Md. This year’s theme, “Move the Needle,” relects the need for practices to respond to the hearing health needs of older adults with quality hearing healthcare.

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IntriCon Provides Insights into OTC Hearing Aid Market; Experiences Some Headwinds in Q2 2019

The company is bullish on the prospects of the upcoming OTC hearing device regulations from FDA, which it anticipates being issued this November and implemented in mid-2020. In his comments to investors, IntriCon CEO Mark Gorder was also optimistic that the new OTC hearing device regulations would be more liberal relative to the amount of allowable gain and for whom the devices might be intended.

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