Tag: single-sided deafness



Unilateral Hearing Loss in Children: Current Perspectives

It is now indisputable that we have sufficient data from academic and laboratory settings, parents, teachers, and children with UHL themselves to support the concept that these losses put children at risk for psychoeducational and related difficulties. However, we still cannot predict which children with UHL will have such problems, or which management approaches might best assist them with their listening and learning problems. Anne Marie Tharpe presents current perspectives on UHL in children.

Non-Surgical Advances in Treatment for Conductive Hearing Loss

Amanda O’Donnell, AuD, reviews options for the treatment of conductive hearing loss and provides information on the new ADHEAR system by MED-EL. This unique non-surgical system consists of an advanced adhesive adapter that allows for the audio processor to be clicked into place for skin-driven bone conduction—offering a new option for patients and clinicians alike.

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Cortical Neuroplasticity in Hearing Loss: Why It Matters in Clinical Decision-Making for Children and Adults

With a better understanding of cortical brain changes associated with hearing loss, the potential to develop objective brain-based tools (ie, biomarkers) increases. These tools may help clinicians determine when a patient should receive intervention, what kind of intervention or rehabilitation would be ideal, and may offer the ability to monitor how well a chosen intervention or rehabilitation method is working. Prominent researchers Anu Sharma and Hannah Glick explain why.

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