Tag: johns hopkins

PSAPs, OTC and Self-fitting Hearing Aids, ACHIEVE, and More: An Interview with Nicholas Reed, PhD

Nicholas Reed, PhD, and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins have been involved in some extremely exciting research on personal sound amplification products (PSAPs) and over-the-counter (OTC) devices, as well as cognition and hearing loss. Douglas Beck, AuD, interviews Dr Reed about these topics, as well as the group’s recent work on the ACHIEVE study.

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HIA Launches “Hear Well. Stay Vital.” Campaign to Promote Hearing Awareness

The Hearing Industries Association (HIA), in partnership with the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA), and the International Hearing Society, has launched a public awareness campaign to promote better hearing called “Hear Well. Stay Vital.”

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Patients with Untreated Hearing Loss May Incur Higher Total Health Care Costs

Compared to the patients without hearing loss, patients with the condition generated nearly 26% more in total health care costs within two years, a gap that widened to 46% by 10 years, amounting to $22,434 per individual ($20,403 incurred by the health plan, $2,030 by the individual in out-of-pocket costs).

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Links Between Age-related Sensory Impairments Discussed at AGS Conference

Is the connection between sensory impairment and cognitive decline linear, with one health concern leading to the other, or is it cyclical, reflecting a more complex connection? AGS-NIA conference attendees think answers to these questions are critical, which is why their conference report maps the state of sensory and cognitive impairment research while also outlining important priorities for future scholarship and clinical practice.

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Cochlear Pledges $10 Million to Johns Hopkins for Research on Impact of Hearing Loss

The Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health at Johns Hopkins will be a first of its kind at any academic institution, focusing on hearing loss as a global public health priority, and it will be led by one of the preeminent researchers in this area, Frank Lin, MD, PhD. The center will be dedicated to understanding and addressing the impact of hearing loss on public health.

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