Hearing, Vision Impairment Linked to Cognitive Decline
A new nationally representative study published online in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease...
A new nationally representative study published online in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease...
People with hearing difficulties experience heightened self-reported depression, loneliness, and memory problems during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an online survey of the over 70s.
Designed to increase the effectiveness of hearing aids and cochlear implants, it can make a difference in alleviating “the daily grind of hearing-impaired patients, making hearing, easier.”
Depression and its connection to hearing loss seems pretty logical and self-evident, especially if you’re a dispensing professional who experiences daily the difference that amplification can make in a person’s life. However, new research indicates the story is far more complex.
Read MoreVictor Bray, PhD, reviews the research on depression and hearing loss, treatment effects, risk factors, and how you can screen for depression in this free webinar sponsored by Hamilton CapTel®. He also postulates a future in which hearing healthcare professionals will be called on to assist mental health specialists in the treatment of depressed individuals.
Read MoreAudiology and neuroscience have the potential to radically change the future of healthcare.
Read MoreIn the study, approximately 50% of the adolescents with hearing loss said they were picked on in at least one way in the past year. Previous studies show about 28% of adolescents in the general population report being bullied.
Read MoreA look at seven chronic conditions associated with hearing loss—ranging from depression to diabetes—along with a review of some of the key supporting scientific evidence and papers.
Read MoreA new case study published by the LeadingAge Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST)—a coalition of 400 technology companies, businesses, and aging service organizations, that are focused on technology to transform the aging experience—reveals that residents in senior living communities who use captioned telephones are less likely to experience the adverse effects of loneliness.
Read MoreThe new Signia Nx hearing aids contain Own Voice Processing (OVP™) technology designed to identify when the wearer is speaking. In this way, OVP can employ dual processing for either speech or own-voice conditions.
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