Month: October 2011

UnitedHealth Enters Hearing Market: HR Interviews hi HealthInnovations CEO Lisa Tseng, MD

hi HealthInnovations, Minnetonka, Minn, a subsidiary of UnitedHealth (UNH) Group, is now offering hearing aids discounted to their members (and with no out-of-pocket costs to certain Medicare Advantage members) as well as direct-to-consumer hearing aids for people outside the UNH network for $749 to $949. The Hearing Review interviewed hi HealthInnovations CEO Dr Lisa Tseng, MD, and learned more about the companys products and plans, including its hope to partner and network with hearing care professionals.

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Little (Stressful) Wonders

Children are a marvel. As a parent of two boys (ages 4 and 8), I think there is a good argument that they’ve taught me as much about life as I’ve taught them. Not the least of which is the need for keeping your eyes open to new possibilities.

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