Critical Factors in Ensuring Efficacy of Frequency Transposition
Part 1 of a 2-part series: Individualizing the start frequency.
Read MorePart 1 of a 2-part series: Individualizing the start frequency.
Read MoreCochlear Americas, Englewood, Colo, recently awarded scholarships that recognized the achievements of persons who have received Nucleus cochlear implants.
Read MoreMedRx Inc, Largo, Fla, announced the addition of Brad Ingrao, AuD, to its corporate staff. Ingrao will be responsible for the design, development, and implementation of the companys internal and external training tools and venues.
Read MoreF-MIRE utilizes a miniature dual-element microphone to simultaneously measure the sound pressure levels in the ear canal under the hearing protector, as well as those outside the hearing protection device.
Read MoreA flat-attenuation earplug preserves the tonal balance of music and the clarity of speech, resulting in sound that has the same quality as the original, only quieter.
Read MoreThe combined use of earplugs and earmuffs may be the only effective solution to safeguard against the high-impulse SPLs generated by gunfire for police, military personnel, and shooting enthusiasts.
Read MoreGold Standard Initiative to be implemented across entire network; details will be announced at conference.
Read MoreOnly by understanding how HPDs are evaluated and used can hearing conservation professionals effectively select HPDs appropriate for noise-exposed workers.
Read MoreEarmuffs offer some tremendous benefits for the workplace as well as recreational and non-occupational applications. The innovations in design continue to make earmuffs a vital tool in hearing loss prevention.
Read MoreBy envisioning three fairly straightforward physical laws, one can become an expert (or at least well-versed) in the acoustic properties of HPDs.
Read MoreOutstanding AuD Student scholarships worth $4,500 will be awarded to two second-year residential Au.D. students.
Read MoreAn introduction to the topic of occupational noise-induced hearing loss by this month’s guest editors.
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