MedRx Inc, Largo, Fla, announced the addition of Brad Ingrao, AuD, to its corporate staff. Ingrao will be responsible for the design, development, and implementation of the company’s internal and external training tools and venues.
Ingrao will also be directly responsible for specific product installation and operation tools, online and Internet training tools for customers and staff, clinical verification studies and specifications, industry technology training and public educational
“Brad is a great addition to the team,” Ron Buck, MedRx’s president, said. “He will ensure that we are delivering a superior training experience and clinically relevant information for every product we provide.”
Before joining MedRx, Ingrao served as the coordinator of audiology information services of the Hearing Instrument Manufacturers’ Software Association. He has authored a multimedia software tutorial for the hearing aid industry that was one of the first such tools to include closed captioning.
Ingrao was an adjunct lecturer in audiology, and part-time clinical supervisor at Northeastern University from 2000 to 2005 and served as principal audiologist and consultant for e-audiology.net. Ingrao has provided e-learning courses for AudiologyOnLine.com and the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. He has lectured and published on a variety of topics across the US and Europe.
[SOUCRE: MedRx Inc, February 2007]