Tag: Tinnitus



Wearable Tinnitus Device by Neosensory Reduces Tinnitus Severity

Participants who used Neosensory’s Duo solution daily for eight weeks reported clinically significant reduction in their tinnitus severity. A decrease in the Tinnitus Functional Index score of greater than 13 points indicates a reduction in tinnitus symptoms that is clinically significant and impactful on one’s quality of daily life.

Neuromod Publishes Clinical Trial for Lenire Device

An international team, including a University of Minnesota professor, has published a second large clinical trial for a novel neuromodulation device, Lenire, that could reduce symptoms for millions worldwide with tinnitus, commonly described as “ringing in the ears.”  Researchers published the results of the Treatment Evaluation of Neuromodulation for Tinnitus – Stage A2 (TENT-A2) clinical trial in “Nature – Scientific Reports.” An article detailing the research appears on the University of Minnesota website.

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Neuromod Announces Lenire Tinnitus Study Results

Neuromod Devices Ltd announced the findings of an independent study performed at the German Hearing Center (DHZ) at Hannover Medical School, which found that 85% of tinnitus patients experienced a reduction in their tinnitus symptoms (based on the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory score[i] across 20 patients) when using the Lenire treatment device. 

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