Audiologist in videoAccording to Smart Diagnostic Devices, Minneapolis, Minn, a new product launch teaser video has been released in which consulting audiologists and hearing conservation practitioners cite barriers to efficient audiogram data management. The video, titled “Resolve Audiometric Data Management Challenges with SmartMove Cloud: 1,” can be viewed on YouTube.

The barriers cited in the video include limited storage capacity, with audiometers storing only 300 or 2,500 audiograms depending on the audiometer; challenges in transferring audiometric data to a PC or networked computer for manipulation and sharing; and the inability to access the data remotely from multiple locations.

consulting audiologistOSHA requires that audiogram data for each employee in a hearing conservation program be stored for five years. When the company has high employee turnover and the hearing conservation program is passed from one manager to the next, there is strong potential that an organization using old technology for audiogram data management will not be able to meet OSHA requirements. The new product, SmartMove Cloud, promises to address these barriers.

The founders of Smart Diagnostic Devices report that the company born out of the need for user-friendly automated devices in the occupational health testing industry. In 2010 Smart Diagnostic Devices launched the SMART TONE Automatic Audiometer, which has a touchscreen with an intuitive icon-interface. Working on the premise of continually providing technically advanced, integrated, and flexible products, Smart Diagnostic Devices works to provide practical solutions to occupational health and clinical hearing conservation programs.

For more information about SmartMove Cloud, see this April 8, 2016 article in The Hearing Review.

Source: Smart Diagnostic DevicesÂ