Cochlear has announced CE mark approval for Nucleus 6, its next generation cochlear implant sound processor, and that it will now be available throughout Europe.
The Nucleus 6 processor is built on a completely new microchip platform with five times the processing
Nucleus 6 features include:
- SmartSound iQ advanced sound processing for optimizing performance in hearing situations
- True automation with a scene classifier, which analyzes the sound environment and automatically applies the best sound processing technology
- Direct wireless connectivity to the sound processor, linking customers to a wide range of Bluetooth and audio devices
- Fully integrated hearing aid functionality in every sound processor to boost residual hearing through acoustic stimulation
- Comprehensive data logging capability, providing information for the clinician to help optimize individual performance
- The smallest sound processor on the market, according to Cochlear
Cochlear received Canadian approval of the Nucleus 6 in June 2013, and is still awaiting FDA approval for the United States market.
To help launch Nucleus 6, Cochlear created a video called “Molly’s Day” to show its benefits. See the video below or at
SOURCE: Cochlear Ltd