What would your ideal private practice look like? How can you attain it?
Gyl Kasewurm, AuD— a 30-year hearing industry veteran and owner of an extremely successful private practice—provides “the long view” for how to build the practice of your dreams. In this 17-minute webinar, brought to Hearing Review readers courtesy of CareCredit, Dr Kasewurm provides her inside tips for setting and attaining goals, keeping track of the key performance indicators of the practice, concentrating on revenue generation and learning how to delegate, building a strong and loyal patient base, and more.
The webinar is 17 minutes in length. You can register and view the webinar here, which is available now on-demand.
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The webinar link has now been updated on the page above, so you should be able to access it now. Alternately, you can paste the following link into your browser:http://event.on24.com/wcc/r/1251347/F936AE930A2129B2C3D8800D823E7EAE?partnerref=web
Apologies from The Hearing Review team for any inconvenience!