Aug. 2, 2007
The Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC) will sponsor a course for audiologists and physicians on November 3 in Rosemont, Ill.
The course, titled “The Professional Supervisor of the Audiometric Monitoring Component of Hearing Conservation Programs,” focuses on occupational hearing conservation.
The course will feature lectures and case presentations on regulatory requirements and successful hearing loss prevention programs. Topics include roles and responsibilities of a professional supervisor of hearing conservation programs; OSHA, MSHA, and FRA recording keeping regulations; and guidelines for audiometric baseline revision and medical referral.
This course, designed for audiologists and physicians, leads to certification that confirms advanced training in audiometric issues in occupational hearing conservation as a professional supervisor. Those who seek certification must complete an application, online exam and submit a sample case wtithin 30 business days of the course.
Attendees will receive continuing education or medical credits, a copy of the "Hearing Conservation Manual," (4th edition, second printing), with ANSI and OSHA standards, and training materials.
For more information, visit