San Diego — TV Ears, a manufacturer of assisted listening devices for televisions, has launched a new referral service for hearing centers. Hearing health care participants will receive direct referrals, as well as digital displays with real-time marketing content and in-store product displays for their waiting room.
George Dennis, founder and CEO of TV Ears, said in a press release that TV Ears recognizes that their customers may need assistance with related hearing issues, but often don’t know where to go. “Once a customer enlists our help, we work to make quality introductions with one of our certified hearing centers based on their location. The goal is to increase business for those hearing professionals and provide them with lifelong customers.”
Hearing health care participants will receive waiting room displays that are valued at more than $2,000, according to the company. The package includes a TV Ears TV, a media player, a TV Ears Headset System, a TV Ears Wireless Speaker, and a ClearSounds Quattro Bluetooth Neckloop.
The Hearing News Network (HNN) will be the featured program on the TV Ears set, which can be used for in-house marketing and training, while acting as an information center for staff and patients.
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