The Hearing Review, May 2013 Issue |
Cover Story
How to Establish a Successful Tinnitus Clinic
By Michael Piskosz, MS
Hearing care professionals should strive to do more for our patients when it comes to tinnitus. Individuals battling tinnitus need our help, and in most cases, we are the best and most logical place for the consumer to obtain tinnitus relief. Here are the basics on how to set up a tinnitus treatment program in your practice.
Best Practices and Fitting Science
Speech-in-Noise Testing: A Pragmatic Addendum to Hearing Aid Fittings
By Douglas L. Beck, AuD, and Michael Nilsson, PhD
Because the primary complaint of all people with hearing loss and/or people wearing hearing aids is speech-in-noise, SIN testing should become a standard part of every audiology diagnostic test battery. Here’s why you should start (if you haven’t already)—and how you can develop your own “homemade” SIN test.
The Acoustics of Hearing Aids: Standing Waves, Damping and Flared Tubes
By Marshall Chasin, AuD
Five basic, easy-to-understand equations that explain a lot about what we encounter when fitting hearing aids.
Hearing Aid Sales and Marketing
US Regional Private-Sector Hearing Aid Sales, 2012
By Karl Strom
A state-by-state, region-by-region review of US net unit volume sales during the last 10 years.
Addressing the Needs of the Non-user by Offering a Trial Device
By Brian Taylor, AuD
Results of this pilot study indicate that a trial hearing device has the ability to improve conversion rates.
What Do You Say When Your Patient Says “No”?
By Wayne Jacobson, BC-HIS
As hearing care professionals, our responsibility is to give patients enough information so they do know enough to say “yes” (or a well-informed “no”). If we stop at the first “no,” we are shirking that responsibility.
You can also view The Hearing Review Interactive Digital Edition. Click here. |
Staff Standpoint
Hearing Aid Sales Flat in First Quarter
by Karl Strom
AudiologyNOW! Celebrates 25th Anniversary and AAA’s Heritage
Blog Page
Universal Hearing Screening: Let’s Extend It!
by David H. Kirkwood
The Final Word: Towards a More Dynamic Ear Impression Protocol,
by Dennis Van Vliet, AuD