If you represent a manufacturer or supplier in the hearing industry, please remember to update your FREE listing in the 2011 edition of The Hearing Review Worldwide Registry, which is scheduled to mail in late July. The deadline for updating (or submitting a new company) is NOW TUESDAY, June 14, 2011.
Known as “The Phone Book of the Hearing Industry,” The Registry is the industry’s main directory that reaches 21,000 subscribers and is available online yearlong for the hearing care leaders who make purchasing decisions. It provides a detailed listing of products and services available worldwide.
We need your help so we can include your company in this FREE comprehensive desktop reference! Here’s how:
- First, check with your company’s marketing department to see if they have received our e-mail notice and tell them to take a few minutes to update or confirm your listing. Our e-mail may be in their spam/junk e-mail filter. (We’ve sent two notices, so far, and will be sending just one more today.)
- If your company’s marketing department has not received an e-mail notice from us, contact [email protected] immediately.
- If you are a new company, please contact the above e-mail address, as well, so that we can include your company’s listing in The Registry.
- We’ll then e-mail you a link to update/confirm your listing. It takes just a few minutes.
The final deadline for submitting or updating your listing is NOW JUNE 14th. After that date, we will have to start the publication process, so please make sure your listing is accurate by then.
If you’d also like to include advertising in The Registry or a listing enhancement, such as a logo, please contact The Hearing Review’s Advertising Department with Tom Madorna at 610-544-3568/[email protected], or Dave Jeans at 303-856-3067/[email protected].
Thank you for your assistance in again making The Hearing Review’s annual Registry the top reference guide in the industry.
Karl Strom, Editor
The Hearing Review/Hearing Review Products