A recent announcement from iData Research, an international market research and consulting group, reports that only the US market for fetal and newborn monitoring devices is showing signs of growth, while other developed countries around the globe face declines or stagnation in this area of medical technology. In the United States, prices for neonatal monitoring devices continue to increase steadily as innovation and technology continues to evolve. According to the iData analysis of global newborn medical monitoring markets, Philips Healthcare and GE Healthcare hold the top positions everywhere except Japan. Leading companies in fetal and neonatal monitors all reportedly offer a diverse array of integrated monitoring technology to stay competitive.
The information from iData Research indicates that in most areas of healthcare, technology has been advancing to keep pace with illnesses and aging populations. However, one place where technological growth is not occurring on a global scale is with newborn medical monitoring.
“The US has always been a major global developer of new healthcare technologies, which explains the US medical market growth through innovation,” said Kamran Zamanian, PhD, CEO of iData, in commenting on the findings related to market growth in newborn medical monitoring.
Newborn Medical Monitoring Device Markets Need to Advance
Dr Zamanian observed via the iData announcement that the US market is one of the few fetal and neonatal monitoring markets to show growth, and US hospitals appear to more readily upgrade their facilities to integrate with central monitoring and information archiving, giving physicians better access to patient information. He further observed that the European neonatal monitoring device market remains stable, while the Asia-Pacific market for updated neonatal monitoring technology has declined.
More on the global market for fetal and neonatal monitoring can be found in the comprehensive report on the iData Research website.
Source: iData Research
Photo credit: © Andrei Malov | Dreamstime.com