In the spirit of International Noise Awareness Day, which took place on April 28, the European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA) has announced the expansion of its social media activities. The EUHA is at “home on Instagram now, too, and will be taking part in the world of beautiful pictures and audiovisual messages.”
Related article: EUHA Plans Face-to-Face Convention in September
Photos, video clips, and micromessages can now be exchanged on: EUHA points out that subscriptions, likes, comments, and sharing will be “very much appreciated.”
Beate Gromke, President of the European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians: “For the EUHA, networking is vital. Our association lives from exchange and it provides a strong network. I look forward to exchanging visual messages with you on Instagram. The entire EUHA Community will benefit from that. And it’s fun anyway!”
This new communication channel is “an ideal interface” for the EUHA’s Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn activities. Information on events and news from the association can be posted quickly. At the same time, it’s a chance for the community to get connected and stay in touch 24/7.
About European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA)
Since 1960, the European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians ( has been in charge of organizing the International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA Congress). Over the years, the event has gained international renown, and is considered the industry’s most important specialist congress held in Europe. The EUHA is an association for all persons working in hearing aid fitting and supply. It provides a platform for hearing aid acousticians, scientists, and laymen with an interest in trade-specific and economic issues, who want to take part in specialized further education and vocational training in order to provide the best possible care for persons with impaired hearing.
Source: EUHA