Hearing Review Products, November 2013
What products are hearing care manufacturers and service providers featuring this fall at the ADA Convention and other venues? Hearing Review Products wanted to know too, so we asked! Here is our annual year-end review of products we received from hearing healthcare manufacturers and services from around the globe.
2013 ADA Convention at-a-Glance
Wednesday, November 64:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Registration Open Thursday, November 77:00 AM – 7:00 PM: Registration Open 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM: Exhibitor Installation 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM: Pre-Convention Workshops 3:30 AM – 5:00 PM: Transformative Session 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall Friday, November 87:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Registration Open 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM: Continental Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM: President’s Welcome 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM: Keynote Session 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Break in Exhibit Hall 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Transformative General Session 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM: Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM: Concurrent Sessions 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Break in Exhibit Hall 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM: Concurrent Sessions 4:35 PM – 6:00 PM: Annual Business Meeting 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM: Great Transformations Its Friday (GTIF) Tapas Tablehop Saturday, November 97:30 AM – 4:30 PM: Registration Open 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Student Business Plan Competition & Breakfast 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Break in Exhibit Hall 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Concurrent Sessions 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM: Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM: Concurrent Sessions 2:30 PM – 2:45 PM: Break 2:45 PM – 4:15 PM: Concurrent Sessions 4:15 PM – 4:30 PM: Break 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM: Concurrent Sessions 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM: 18×18 Advocacy Reception Sunday, November 108:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Sunday Workshops (Free, but you must register in advance.) |
ADA Convention exhibitors are highlighted in green.
American Hearing Aid Associates (AHAA)
AHAA represents the best of hearing health care in America. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for those living with a hearing loss. We do this by working closely with our network of hearing professionals to encourage unique ways to deliver optimal care and introduce beneficial solutions to current business challenges. For these reasons, AHAA membership uniquely separates quality providers from all others. ADA Booth #15; (800) 984-3272; [email protected]
The Amplivox 260 audiometer is the SMART CHOICE in diagnostics audiometers, featuring air, bone, and speech audiometry in a small compact design. Results can be saved to memory, printed with the optional printer, or transferred to PC with the optional NOAH interface. The 260 offers narrowband and speech-weighted masking along with a number of specialty tests. The talk forward/backward function can be used in a static environment or in an acoustic booth, making this unit very flexible. 888-941-4208;
audifon USA Inc
audifon Bone Conduction Solutions. audifon introduces alternative, non-invasive solutions to conductive hearing losses, reaching from bone conduction spectacles to power body hearing systems and miniature devices suitable for children or young adults. All of these cosmetically appealing solutions are easily programmable with advanced digital processing for improved communication. ADA Booth #411; (800) 776-0222; www.audifon.com
Audigy Group LLC
Audigy Group is a member-driven hearing care management company comprised of the largest group of elite private audiology practices. Audigy Group provides members access to a best-in-class suite of shared business services that include finance, marketing, human resources, professional development, operations and expansion support. ADA Booth #503/602. (866) 711-2026; www.audigygroup.com
Audina Hearing Instruments Inc
Audina Hearing Instruments Inc, Longwood, Fla, introduces the expanded flx® family of 312 open fit products. The expanded 312 open-fit line now offers technology at every level 4, 6, and 12 channel circuitry. The flx® product features include a 312 battery for up to 175 hours of battery life, a multi-memory pushbutton and our iScroll® digital volume control. The proven ergonomically designed case allows for greater ease of operation resulting in higher patient satisfaction. 800.223.7700; www.audina.net
Beltone recently introduced the Beltone Prime™, the only microphone-in-concha in-the-ear hearing aid that offers the benefit of a one-visit fitting. The Beltone Prime’s distinctive design fits entirely inside the ear canal, using the natural contours of the ear to maximize sound quality. This design allows the hearing aid to fit comfortably, stay in place, and appear virtually invisible. Visit Beltone at Booth #607 at ADA to learn about this new, innovative hearing aid. ADA Booth #607. (800) 621-1275; www.beltone.com
Blueprint Solutions
Blueprint OMS is clinic management made easy. Come see the many new features in Blueprint OMS including “in clinic” patient management, signature pads, barcode reading, and smart patient summary screen. Innovation never stops at Blueprint Solutions. Blueprint OMS features an easy graphical user interface, a fast effective marketing module, real-time Noah and QuickBooks integration, free electronic insurance billing, and much more. Stop by our booth at ADA #604 and see for yourself what Blueprint OMS can do for your practice. Contact Blueprint Solutions for more information. ADA Booth #604. (877) 686-8410; www.blueprintsolutions.us
Life is calling. CaptionCall® is a new telephone for anyone who has trouble hearing on the phone. Similar to captioned television, CaptionCall uses voice recognition technology and a fast transcription service to quickly provide written captions of what callers say on a large, easy-to-read screen. ADA Booth #700. 877-557-2227; www.CaptionCall.com
CareCredit has helped over 125,000 patients get the hearing aids they needed to stay connected to family and friends. CareCredit provides special financing offers to help patients purchase optimal instruments. CareCredit is easy to use and has fast approvals. ADA Booth #505. (800) 300-3046, ext 4519; www.carecredit.com
CounselEAR helps you get home on time by enabling you to rapidly create customized counseling summaries and professional audiologic reports online. CounselEAR helps you easily fax and email reports without printing and is compatible with Noah/OMSs. Plus, our new Coding/PQRS Wizard saves you time like never before. Improve what patients remember and make your clinic more efficient and effective—anytime, anywhere, online. Stop by our booth for a quick test drive! ADA Booth #106. (888) 516-4281; www.CounselEAR.com
Discovery Warranties & Repair
Discovery Warranties is the most comprehensive service warranty program in the industry. We offer coverage on all makes and models of hearing aids including tinnitus devices. Dispensers have an opportunity to place clients’ hearing instruments under warranty protection while receiving a 20% rebate on all warranties sold or renewed. Discovery Repair continues to service practices throughout the nation as a rapid response all make repair service center with unique guarantees. (800) 525-7936 or 251-342-1144; www.discoverywarranties.com or www.discoveryrepair.com
Ear Technology Corporation
DryCaddy is here, bringing a new level of effectiveness to the field of static drying kits. (It’s the “next-best” thing to a Dry & Store®.) Experience EarTech TV Audio—the first truly digital TV listening system. Check out the new family of Clik® EZ, EZd, and EZd+T for success with even the most price-conscious patients without sacrificing quality. Ear Technology: partnering with you to help people hear better, every day. ADA Booth #304. (800) 327-8547; www.eartech.com
ESCO: Ear Service Corp
ESCO’s mission is to provide exceptional high quality insurance services to the hearing industry. The company was founded in 1989 by hearing and insurance professionals with the objective of meeting unsatisfied demand for specialized coverage for hearing instruments. ESCO is the leader in its market and is the trusted choice for hearing instrument insurance. ADA Booth #104. (800) 992-3726; www.earserv.com
Frye Electronics
A Cortical Evoked Potential (CEP) Analyzer, the HEARLab™, is now available to pediatric audiologists. It enables audiologists to evaluate their patients’ unaided hearing and to fine-tune the aids on patients who use them. Its ability to measure cortical response directly from the brain allows objective hearing measurements for patients who are unable to give responses by voice or gesture. This technology is available exclusively through Frye Electronics Inc. (800) 547-8209; www.frye.com
Grason-Stadler Inc (GSI)
Grason-Stadler introduces 2 new products at the ADA Conference: the GSI Corti™ and GSI AudioStar Pro™. The Corti is a portable battery-operated OAE diagnostic and screening instrument. The Corti can perform a test within seconds, resulting in a positive patient approval from children to adults. The AudioStar Pro provides maximum flexibility in a two-channel clinical audiometer, allowing full control of testing procedures for every patient population. ADA Booth #215. (800) 700-2282; www.grason-stadler.com
Hal-Hen Company Inc
Hal-Hen’s one-stop shopping offers over 4,000+ items, including: Assistive Devices, Personal Communicators, FM Systems, Bluetooth/Loop Systems, Impression Materials, Infection Control, Batteries, Diagnostic Equipment, Earlites, Earmold Supplies, Educational Materials, and Cerumen Management. Our point of purchase Hearing Healthcare Accessory Center features 14 of our most popular products. ADA Booth #312. 800-242-5436; www.halhenpro.com (available 24/7)
Hamilton CapTel
Since 2003, Hamilton CapTel® has made over 25 million captioned telephone conversations possible for individuals with hearing loss. This is the kind of trusted experience you and your patients can count on—every day. Now, the Hamilton CapTel Hearing Healthcare Program makes it even easier to extend the value of your patient relationships. It’s a simple program, a simple process, and it simply works—for you and your patients at no cost. Find out more about the Hamilton CapTel in-office demo phone and display stand. ADA Booth #410. 800-826-7111; HamiltonCapTel.com/hhc
XearA Digital Platform now in custom instruments. Hansaton’s custom hearing instruments, including AQ Custom Rechargeables and conventional custom aids, now use the XearA digital platform, which has seen an excellent reception in the BTE market. Among the noteworthy features of XearA are Bi-Com wireless connectivity, Conversation Lift to optimize adaptive directional processing, Sound Restore frequency compression, 10 kHz bandwidth, and new compression and feedback algorithms. To support this technology, Hansaton’s new shell lab employs the most modern digital shell techniques, ensuring comfort and cosmetic appeal. XearA technology powered by Hansaton’s patented AQ recharging system offers performance that continues for 20+ hours per charge with a five-year battery guarantee. ADA Booth #109. (888) 984-7432; www.hansaton-usa.com
Harris Communications
Now at Harris Communications, the new Comfort Duett Personal Listener from Comfort Audio has been redesigned with large volume buttons in an intuitive layout. The new Duett features digital signal processing, automatic gain control, omnidirectional internal microphone, and built-in telecoil for use with induction loop systems. Use the Duett with the included earphone or headphone or purchase the optional neckloop. It comes with a charger stand and two AAA NiMH rechargeable batteries.
The Visit Sensor is a new addition to Bellman & Symfon’s Visit System, now available at Harris Communications. This small device is able to monitor your cell phone or tablet and transmit to Visit receivers when calls or e-mails come through. The Visit Sensor is used with the Visit Phone Transmitter to transmit to the receivers throughout your house. Be alerted anywhere in your house by the Visit Flash Receiver, Clock Receiver, or Pager Receiver. (800) 825-6758; www.harriscomm.com
Health Enterprises Inc
Health Enterprises Inc introduces the Dri-Eze™ Hearing Aid Dehumidifer to remove damaging daily moisture that can cause a hearing aid to malfunction. Dri-Eze uses breakthrough technology to prolong hearing aid life, improve sound quality, and help prevent costly repairs. Never worry about recharging or reactivating your dehumidifier. Simply replace with a new Dri-Eze Dehumidifier after 6 months of use. The simple design is both effective and easy to use.
Health Enterprises Inc is also introducing the Audio Kit™ Hearing Aid Cleaner for fast, easy, and effective daily cleaning. All five tools needed for daily cleaning are built into a comfortable, easy to hold handle that works on all types of hearing aids. The brush and pick help clean and remove wax from small openings in the hearing aid, while the tube and vent cleaner keeps tubes and vents clear of debris. The battery door opener makes it hassle-free to open the battery door, while the battery replacement magnet makes replacing batteries effortless. (800) 633-4243; www.healthenterprises.com
Hearing Aid Marketing
With over 25 years experience of providing clients with consistent and successful marketing campaigns, trust Hearing Aid Marketing to generate leads for your database, book more appointments, and increase sales. Hearing Aid Marketing offers a consistent flow of new and proven direct mail creative, available to view on our custom online Portal. With this technology, clients can manage, view, pay, and complete direct mail orders all online. Call or visit our website to learn more about our services and direct mail programs. (518) 477-2400; www.HearingAidMarketing.com
The Hearing Aid Sweat Band
The Hearing Aid Sweat Band is made from all natural fabric that sheds moisture while protecting the hearing aid from the damaging effects of dust and dirt. Prolongs battery life and helps reduce repairs to BTE devices. Clean, snug fit ensures BTE device controls are usable. Washable for extended use. Available in 9 sizes and 17 different colors. (866) 644-2500; www.hearingaidsweatband.com
Hearing HealthCare News®
We have produced customized patient and physician newsletters since 1986. Subscribers also receive the Practice Development Program, a collection of tools and strategies that stimulate practice growth by increasing hearing aid sales, patient satisfaction, and referrals from patients and physicians. Register for a free trial issue of a customized patient newsletter. ADA Booth #510. (800) 342-1643; www.hearinghealthnews.com
Hearing News Network
What’s better, a high-gloss poster of a lifestyle setting with a user wearing a hearing aid or a riveting video of that same hearing aid wearer communicating properly for the first time? Digital signage is timely and relevant and it addresses the patient when they are most receptive to hearing your message. It’s a flexible medium that can change immediately or evolve organically to shifting marketing or branding plans. ADA Booth #113. (877) 999-4483; www.cleardigitalmedia.net
The Hearing Review
The Hearing Review’s digital versions of our print magazines are now e-mailed to over 14,000 readers worldwide. The Hearing Review focuses 100% on hearing healthcare and related technology, and is delivered to a focused audience of 21,000 hearing care professionals. Our website is perhaps the most extensively used site in the field, and has a strong international audience (about one-third of all visitors). Hearing Review Products, HR’s sister publication, is the only magazine in the field dedicated 100% to hearing care products, providing the latest breaking news on the latest offerings. ADA Booth #413. 913-894-6923; www.hearingreview.com
Interacoustics showcases 3 new products at the ADA conference. AD629, “True Hybrid” air • bone • speech audiometer, small and portable yet very powerful, can be used as a stand alone or with a PC. Callisto, portable audiometry, REM and VSP delivered in a compact plug and play box design, and the newly designed MT10 automatic tympanometer. ADA Booth #415. (800) 947-6334; www.interacoustics-us.com
Maico introduces the next generation of the classic MA 41 portable audiometer. Lightweight portability, and packed with features, this air/bone/speech audiometer is perfect for your hearing healthcare needs. Integrated wavefiles eliminate the need for a separate CD player, while on-board data file and PDF storage makes this a true on-the-go audiometer. NOAH compatibility allows thresholds to be stored directly into your NOAH database for seamless hearing aid fittings. Modern design blends with classic Maico features! ADA Booth #415. (888) 941-4201; www.maico-diagnostics.com
McKeon Products
Mack’s® Hear Plugs® High Fidelity Earplugs from McKeon Products are designed specifically for musicians and music lovers who do not want to sacrifice quality sound while protecting their hearing. The super-low profile design allows for inconspicuous wear, and the unique open-air membrane filter technology ensures natural sound and comfort while reducing harmful noise. With a noise reduction rating of 12 decibels, Mack’s Hear Plugs High Fidelity Earplugs allow users to preserve their hearing while enjoying music. Enjoy music, safely and comfortably, with Mack’s musicians’ hearing protection. (586) 427-7560; www.macksearplugs.com
MedRx is a global developer and manufacturer of advanced PC-based diagnostic and testing instrumentation. The company offers a comprehensive line of clinical, diagnostic and fitting instrumentation, including its “thumb-drive” design for the AVANT REMsp Real Ear and Live Speech Mapping system in addition to their full line of AVANT Audiometers and Video Otoscopes . MedRx has recently launched the AVANT Stealth high frequency (20kHz) clinical audiometer— the future is literally in your hands! Space-saving, portable and powerful, this new generation of computerized instrumentation has set the standard for clinical testing and diagnostics. ADA Booth #100. (888) 392-1234; www.medrx-usa.com
Oaktree Products
The Firefly wireless Video Otoscope is the must-have tool for dispensing audiologists. Several newer hearing aid dehumidifiers are worth a look, including the affordable Universal Sanitizer Dryer. See how the Dry Caddy provides patients with the convenience of a full year of hearing instrument moisture protection and how the newer Dry-ALL can save you money. Come see this year’s most popular products offered by Oaktree Products at ADA Booth #514. (800) 347.1960; www.oaktreeproducts.com
ProEar, by MiraCell, now has a new look for the individual box. Available in both display carton and individual box, the individual box is now smaller, has a more professional look, and is made from materials certified by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative. This helps your patients’ ears and helps protect the environment, too. As always, ProEar is made from the finest, natural botanical extracts and helps relieve irritated, itchy ears. Give your patients comfortable ears and reduce returns and remakes with ProEar. (800) 748-5040; www.miracellproear.com
National Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences (NBC-HIS)
The key for all successful hearing health care providers is the NBC-HIS. Founded in 1981, NBC-HIS was created to establish a standardized test for measuring the competency of hearing health professionals. It is the only board certification program for hearing instrument providers accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). In an age of ever-changing hearing technology, NBC-HIS sets and upholds the highest standards through innovative thinking and a commitment to excellence for the benefit of the hearing impaired consumer. (734) 522-2900; www.nbc-his.com
Inium platform drives performance and personalization in Oticon premium and advanced solutions. Oticon’s powerful and efficient Inium platform drives a range of innovative audiological features in the premium Oticon Alta and advanced technology Oticon Nera. Alta delivers exceptional performance, more natural sound quality, small size and ultra-low power consumption. For users seeking a mid-range solution, Nera provides the ability to communicate more freely and better maintain an active lifestyle throughout each day. Both solutions feature extensive fitting personalization capabilities that enable practitioners to empower and satisfy more patients than ever before. ADA Booths 303/305/402/404. (800) 526-3921; www.oticonusa.com
Improve your fitting success! The new AURICAL is a complete, modular fitting solution in a stunning new design. You can use the modules separately, all together, or combine them as you please. It has everything you need: A true fitting audiometer. A wireless and binaural Probe Microphone Measurements (PMM) unit. Effective counseling tools. And a HIT box that works independently or with the other components. The fundamental core of the solution is the OTOsuite software. It seamlessly connects everything together in a single modern software suite. It is simple, yet advanced. And it fits every need in any kind of clinic. ADA Booth #205. (800) 289-2150; www.otometrics.com
Boost the performance of Phonak Quest hearing instruments with the new Roger for adult solutions. Roger is a new adaptive digital wireless transmission standard running on the 2.4 GHz band, wirelessly transmitting the speaker’s voice directly to hearing aids through a Roger receiver. Improvements of up to 54% over FM and equivalent digital systems and up to 35% over our own Dynamic FM have been independently proven. The new Roger Pen and Roger Clip-On Mic are ideal for improving signal-to-noise ratios in loud noise and over distance. Receivers include universal, Roger MyLink and design-integrated options. Maximum performance. Zero hassle. Universal compatibility.
Phonak also introduces Sky Q, a new dedicated pediatric solution available in three performance levels. Sky Q is a complete, water resistant pediatric portfolio with four models—including a size 13 RIC—available in a wide variety of new mix & match housing and ear-hook colors. Phonak Sky Q features SoundRecover, the proprietary non-linear frequency compression algorithm, shown to provide maximum access to high-frequency speech sounds – essential for children developing speech and language. Binaural VoiceStream Technology™ delivers with features such as DuoPhone and Speech in Wind, improving understanding in a broad range of difficult listening situations. ADA Booths #315/414. (800) 777-7333; www.phonakpro-us.com
ReSound Verso hearing instruments work together to reduce background noise, minimize feedback, and balance sound to provide the most comfortable and natural hearing experience available. A full family of products suitable for all of your patients, Verso hearing aids 2.4 GHz wireless platform offer nearly limitless connectivity with Unite wireless accessories, and can even be controlled by patients’ smartphones through the use of the ReSound Control app. ADA Booths #611/613. (800) 248-4327; www.gnresound.com
Rayovac is the world’s largest manufacturer of hearing aid batteries. ProLine is available direct from Rayovac exclusively through hearing health care professionals in the United States and Europe. Extra Brand is available only through select hearing aid distributors in North America and Europe. ADA Booth #405. (800) 323-1993; www.thepowerofhearing.com
Real People. Real Products. Real Service. A company built on serving its customers, Rexton is taking things to the next level with TwinCore Technology. The leapfrog in hearing aid technology, TwinCore provides a more advanced signal processing that gives you the best speech understanding, fastest and most precise fitting process, and highest comfort possible for your patients. ADA Booth #309. (800) 876-1141; www.rexton-online.com
Siemens Hearing Instruments
Siemens Nitro® is now powered by micon™, making Siemens’ micon technology available for every hearing loss from mild to profound. Available as a super-power BTE and ITE, Nitro micon delivers up to 82 dB gain and combines all the benefits of micon, including 48 channels, smarter feedback cancellation, advanced directional microphone, frequency compression, and telecoil/wireless connectivity. Nitro micon is available in 3mi and 7mi performance levels. ADA Booth # 403/502. (732) 529 3605; www.usa.siemens.com/hearing
Premium Bliss offers simple connectivity to wireless devices, as well as the natural sound Sonic is known for. Our newest product, Charm, offers just the right amount of features to please most patients. This new mid-range family of products includes Speech Variable Processing, Speech Priority Noise Reduction, and other features designed to provide a simply natural listening experience. Both Bliss and Charm are available in a variety of custom and BTE models. Come visit Sonic at ADA to learn more about our latest products! ADA Booth #506. (888) 423-7834; www.sonici.com
Serenade® is a customized sound therapy solution for the relief of tinnitus. It consists of proprietary software for the hearing healthcare professional, and the handheld Serenade device for the patient. Serenade offers 3 types of soft treatment sounds including S-Tones®—proprietary, temporally patterned sounds customized to each patient. Serenade is appropriate for every type of tinnitus practice, offering short and/or long term relief. ADA Booth #407. 855-77-SERENADE or 408-938-5745;
Starkey Hearing Technologies
Starkey’s 3 Series is their most advanced, full line of wireless products, which enables unprecedented personalization—from fit to features to sound—and delivers the simplicity and dependability that help ensure patient satisfaction. Powered by IRIS Technology, Starkey’s proprietary wireless platform, 3 Series connects seamlessly to Starkey’s SurfLink Accessories and offers all of the unique benefits of wireless capability and completely wireless programming/media streaming. 3 Series standard products include a RIC 312, mini BTE 312, and BTE 13. Also included in this family is Xino Wireless, a newly designed micro RIC 312. 3 Series custom products are available in ITE, HS, ITC, and CIC styles.
TIMS Software
EHR developed specifically for hearing professionals. TIMS consolidates scheduling, patient communication, NOAH data, point of sale, electronic claims processing, hearing aid tracking, and QuickBooks integration for financial management. ADA Booth #307. 800-763-0308; www.timssoftware.com/audiology
Flex:trial™ from Unitron is the only risk-free business solution for providing immediate amplification to patients, without compromising care. By building flexibility right into the hearing instruments and software, Flex:trial gives you on-the-spot control over fittings and technology trial. The result is an unprecedented ability to meet patient expectations, quickly, easily and risk-free. Patients leave your clinic with the right hearing aid, right away; you reduce your inventory and increase business efficiencies while helping to improve life quality. Experience unlimited potential in one set of hearing instruments with Flex:trial from Unitron.
The next generation of hearing instruments built on Unitron’s Era™ platform is here. Quantum2 and Moxi2 provide a new line up of technologies and styles, and a comprehensive set of features. Moxi2 offers enhanced technology at every level and a choice between three receiver?in?canal (RIC) styles, including the inspired design of Moxi Kiss and the new robust Moxi2 Dura. Quantum2 offers a complete lineup of ITEs and performance BTEs, including an all?new durable BTE. ADA Booth #115/214. (800) 888.8882; www.unitron.com/flextrial and www.unitron.com/us
The VitaSound Personal Audio Enhancer (PAE-300) is a revolutionary, new assistive listening device. Featuring four sound modes for different listening situations, and powered by the patented Neuro-Compensator® sound processor, the PAE-300 is an all-in-one solution that connects to the TV, mobile phones, and music players, and even provides temporary relief from tinnitus. It can be used on its own or can be connected to hearing aids with an inductive loop. Patented Neuro-Compensator hearing technology enhances sound quality and provides a clear, crisp, and natural sound. The device comes in Royal Blue or Charcoal Gray. (877) 967-0742; www.pae300.com
Warner Tech-Care Products
Warner Tech-Care Products Inc introduces Heine’s new Mini 3000 LED fiber-optic otoscope. All of the same features of the standard mini 3000 otoscope with the benefit of a maintenance-free (never change the lightbulb) LED illumination. The new LED Mini is twice as bright as a conventional halogen bulb. Show special $264 for a complete set that includes a case, 4 reusable specula, 10 disposable specula, and batteries. (800) 328-4757; www.warnertechcare.com
Westone Laboratories
Westone is known worldwide for providing quality products, contributing to the success of hearing healthcare professionals, and furthering innovation in the hearing healthcare industry. Westone is offering the new, sterile Oto-Ease earpiece lubricant as well as the new X-act impression material and an enhanced selection of audiological supplies to help you grow your practice. ADA Booth #207. 800-525-5071; www.westone.com
Widex is committed to cutting-edge technology, innovative design, and environmental responsibility. We are proud to feature the remarkable DREAM family of hearing aids driven by the groundbreaking platform, TRUE Integrated Signal Processing (TRUE ISP). DREAM offers more sound, more words, and a more personal listening experience. With four technology levels, each with six different models including the stylish new FASHION, there’s a DREAM for everyone. ADA Booth #202. 800-221-0188; www.widexpro.com