With the wealth of information hearing care professionals have to share with their patients about the myriad products and services offered by manufacturers, The Hearing Review has compiled some of the product brochures, catalogues, and other technical literature available to guide professionals through the experience of finding the right products for the patient’s needs. Descriptions presented here were supplied by the participating manufacturers. |
Chicago Advertising & MarketingLooking for the right direct mail company to increase your business? Check out the Web site for Chicago Advertising & Marketing, Yorkville, Ill. The company provides the right solution for all of your direct mail needs. CAM has the best list in the business and 48-hour turnaround to get your mailers in homes quickly. Our direct mail pieces are effective and affordable. No wonder we do direct mail for the hearing aid industry across the country. (800) 778-9300; www.campromotions.net. |
Discovery Hearing Aid WarrantiesThe dispenser brochure from Discovery Hearing Aid Warranties, Mobile, Ala, gives an overview of the program and includes a brief enrollment form. Sales and marketing tools are provided at no expense to dispensers. Discovery Warranties provides loss, damage, and/or component failure coverage on all makes and models of hearing aids, including cochlear implants and bone anchored processors. A unique compensation plan generates continuous extra income for dispensers. (800) 525-7936; . |
Ear Technology CorpEar Technology Corp, Johnson City, Tenn, ushers in a whole new era of bone conduction technology with the TransEar 380-HF (HF = high frequency). Thanks to a newly developed transducer with peak output at 2,300 Hz, word recognition scores among field test patients shot up to an average of 80%, and they also noted a more natural quality to their hearing. Also from Ear Technology, Dry & Store has a new, eye-catching brochure that befits the quality of the product while educating your patients on the importance of proper hearing instrument care. (800) 327-8547; www.transear.com. |
Etymōtic ResearchEtymōtic Research, Elk Grove Village, Ill, provides consumer brochures for use in all practice settings. High Fidelity Earplug brochures discuss the importance of hearing protection, types of earplugs, and permissible noise exposure limits. Musicians Earplugs brochures (in English and French) show styles, colors, attenuation values, and the recommended earplugs depending on type of instrument played. The Companion Mics brochure describes the benefits of this multi-talker/single-listener system. (888) 389-6684; www.etymotic.com. |
Hal-Hen Co IncCelebrating our 62nd year of meeting the needs of hearing health care professionals, Hal-Hen Co Inc, Garden City Park, NY, offers convenient, one-stop shopping worldwide. Products include: Hearing aid accessories, assistive devices, impression materials, batteries, diagnostic equipment, educational materials, video and conventional otoscopes, earlites, earmold supplies, tools, cerumen management products, and much more. Inquiries and orders can be processed 24/7 through our Web site. (800) 242-5463; www.halhenpro.com. |
Hamilton CapTelThe Hamilton CapTel Connection Network was created especially for audiologists and hearing care professionals with patients who have difficulty hearing on the telephone. Hamilton Captioned Telephone (Cap-Tel®) and Web CapTel® let those with hearing loss see what is being said during phone conversations. Joining the Connection Network is free. Among other benefits, new members receive a Hamilton CapTel Audiologist Information Kit, which contains educational patient brochures, CDs, and other helpful materials. It is a division of Hamilton Telecommunications, Aurora, Neb. (843) 503-9229; www.hamiltoncaptel.com. |
Harris CommunicationsNow available from Harris Communications, Eden Prairie, Minn, the free 2009 Harris Communications equipment and main catalogs offer the latest assistive devices for deaf and hard-of-hearing people. This year the catalogs are even larger than before, with more amplified telephones, TV listening devices, personal amplifiers, and loud alarm clocks. (800) 825-6758; www.harriscomm.com. |
Hearing Technologies International IncHearing Technologies International Inc, Pinellas Park, Fla, offers the Universal Hearing Screener, whose 40 dB tones ar independently presented at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. An LED lights when each frequency button is activated; it is powered by two AAA batteries. A low-battery indicator flashes on the power light, and the unit will not work below normal operating voltage. A foam cushion pad is included to help reduce ambient noise and to allow for firm positioning of the speaker to the ear. Hearing screening must be done in a quiet room. The company recommends that the room be tested for ambient room noise with a sound level meter. (800) 553-6003; www.hearingtech.com. |
InteracousticInteracoustics, Eden Prairie, Minn, has released the latest version of the Equinox 2.0 clinical audiometer. The Equinox is a state-of-the-art, two-channel clinical audiometer controlled from an external computer. Featuring enhanced technology that allows users to conduct standard tests, pure tone and speech audiometry, or a full test battery, including high-frequency, multifrequency, hearing loss simulation, and more. Record your patient information on the completely customizable reports page. (800) 947-6334; www.interacoustics-us.com. |
Maico DiagnosticsMaico Diagnostics, Eden Prairie, Minn, introduces its newest audiometer—the Maestro. This computer-based audiometer allows efficient testing with single-key commands and embedded, recorded word lists in English and Spanish. Now, it is even easier to counsel patients and choose amplification technologies with the included QuickSIN test with auto-calculated scoring. With easy one-page reporting to paper or PDF, more time can be focused on patients and their hearing health. (888) 941-4201; www.maico-diagnostics.com. |
Microsonic IncMicrosonic Inc, Ambridge, Pa, offers a package of information on its referral program for its line of Musicians Monitors, in which audiology/hearing aid offices provide ear impressions for monitor wearers. Music products are a growing industry, and fit nicely into hearing aid offices. They can help you meet new hearing aid customers years before they need you. (800) 523-7672; www.microsonic-inc.com. |
National Association of Special Equipment Distributors (NASED)NASED, the National Association of Special Equipment Distributors, is the only national group dedicated to maintaining the highest level of standards for your hearing testing equipment. Each NASED-certified technician must pass a thorough examination and must obtain a required level of CEUs to maintain certification. To ensure the highest level of professional calibration and repair service for your equipment, choose a company with NASED-certified technicians. (901) 383-1175; www.nased.com. |
NBC-HISIf you were looking for a hearing aid practitioner, wouldn’t you look for the best? Demonstrate your commitment to achieving excellence in your profession by taking the steps to become board certified. The designation, BC-HIS (Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences), is the mark of an accomplished hearing health professional and a recognized symbol of excellence worldwide. Develop your patients’ trust. Be board certified. NBC-HIS headquarters are in Livonia, Mich. (734) 522-2900; www.NBC-HIS.com. |
Oaktree ProductsOaktree Products, Chesterfield, Mo, has free tools for clinicians to educate patients on how to properly clean and disinfect hearing instruments. Its Audiowipes prescription pad contains 50 instructional sheets that tear off and may be given to patients to take home as a reference. In addition, the Audiowipes laminated instruction sheet serves as a useful counseling tool. (800) 347-1960; www.oaktreeproducts.com. |
Oticon Consumer Marketing PartnershipThe Oticon CMP (Consumer Marketing Partnership) from Oticon Inc, Somerset, NJ, is the company’s investment in helping to grow the business of those hearing care professionals fitting its products. The company has conducted extensive research into understanding the hearing-impaired consumer, and has developed a range of highly effective marketing tools based on this knowledge. Under the CMP program, these tested and proven creatives are available as newspaper inserts and ads, direct mail invitations, database marketing, and TV commercials. Please speak to your Oticon account manager for more information about the CMP. (800) 526-3921; www.oticonusa.com. |
OtometricsOtometrics, Schaumburg, Ill, offers the Aurical OTOcam 300, the newest member of the Aurical family. A lightweight, portable, professional clinical otoscope, it provides easy and effective support for diagnostics, and for counseling, education, and documentation. With the easy-to-handle, removable specula with a cerumen management option, the OTOcam 300 provides great support for professional services and optimized patient flow. The brochure details the features and benefits. (800) 289-2150; www.otometrics.com. |
Otovation LLCAudiometers from Otovation LLC, King of Prussia, Pa, establish new benchmarks for truly portable, easy-to-use, and affordable computer-based hearing testing. The company’s Symphony software with the wireless OTOPod and Amplitude T Series product lines offer the best tools that provide accurate and convenient testing for hearing and auditory health. Look to the Otovation line for labor-saving features, such as automatic contralateral masking, multiple headset configurations, compact size, and a patented lightweight design. Available through a worldwide network of dealers. (866)-OTOVATION; www.otovation.com. |
PhonakPhonak, Warrenville, Ill, understands that selling different styles of hearing instruments and levels of technology is challenging. The company has designed an easy-to-use brochure to simplify the process. The new lifestyle brochure allows you to present your client with the best available technology for their lifestyle, age, budget, and hearing loss. Simple text and visuals allow you to guide your client through the process. In addition, there is a section dedicated to micro-style hearing instruments. (800) 777-7333; phonak-us.com. |
ReSoundReSound, Bloomington, Minn, is a hearing instrument manufacturer with a legacy of innovation and a portfolio of exciting technology. The company focuses on more than products; it delivers effective tools to bring more patients to your practice. ReSound is dedicated to helping you grow and positively impact as many lives as possible that are affected by hearing loss. Learn about the company’s proven consumer campaigns, marketing services, and best practices for your office staff. (800) 248-4327; www.gnresound.com/marketing. |
RextonThe Gem dispenser brochure offers detailed product information on the new miniature Receiver-in-the-Canal instruments from Rexton, Minneapolis. If your customer is searching for an unconventional hearing aid and is ready to take the next step toward better hearing, this could be the perfect instrument for them. The small housing encases highly sophisticated technology that will help you deliver more listening comfort to your customer. Contact your Rexton representative for a copy of the new product brochure. (800) 876-1141; www.rexton-online.com. |
Siemens Hearing InstrumentsSiemens Hearing Instruments, Piscataway, NJ, offers their Tek Product Guide for hearing care professionals. Tek is the wireless enhancement that streams audio from MP3 players, and Bluetooth® wireless technology enabled phones and TVs directly to select Siemens hearing instruments. The Product Guide shows how the system works, its components, and setup. Siemens Tek produces virtually no delay in audio transmission. (800) 766-4500; www.usa.siemens.com/hearing. |
Unitron HearingUnitron Hearing, Plymouth, Minn, offers new products and inclinic tools to ensure success for you and your client. Stop by for information on the company’s new products in the premium to entry level categories—Yuu and Next—and in-clinic tools that help ensure client satisfaction and success through practical client counseling and support during the various decisionmaking stages. These tools include an intake questionnaire, a counseling and product selection guide, and a follow-up card. (800) 888-8882; www.unitronhearing.com. |
Warner Tech-care ProductsWarner Tech-care Products, St Paul, Minn, “helps you provide better hearing” with patient brochures about noise and water protection. The Ear guard Instant Hearing Protection brochure helps make patients aware of noise problems and provides the benefits of Warner’s speedy, durable, and direct fit solution. The Aqua-guard brochure provides solutions to water-related problems using the new floatable material that protects during water activities. Both products eliminate waiting for lab-manufactured molds. (800) 328-4757; www.warnertechcare.com. |
Westone Laboratories IncThe world is a loud place, and it’s not getting any quieter. Whether motorcycle enthusiasts, NASCAR fans, avid concert attendees, or just active with home improvements, everyone can benefit from a set of Westone DefendEar custom-fit hearing protection earpieces from Westone Laboratories Inc, Colorado Springs, Colo. The company has developed a colorful and informative brochure to help you market these products to your clientele, describing the many custom earplug styles available through your office. Send a copy with your statements and newsletters or display it in your waiting area. (800) 525-5071; www.westone.com. |
Widex USAWidex USA, Long Island City, NY, introduces widex Mind—its newest and greatest product—by offering the Mind Marketing Materials Flyer featuring several pages of distinctive marketing pieces. These include several informative consumer brochures, invitations, posters, postcards, flyers, point-of-sale displays, and other marketing materials that will assist hearing health care professionals with their Mind marketing efforts. (800) 221-0188; www.widexPro.com. |