The Symposium will feature speakers and submitted podium and poster sessions from clinicians, scientists, educators, and others. The Vanderbilt program committee is co-chaired by David Haynes, MD, René H. Gifford, PhD, and Alejandro Rivas, MD. The scientific program (available now at will span topics in the field including, but not limited to:
- Early intervention and language development in deaf infants
- Single-sided deafness
- Bilateral cochlear implantation
- Intervention targeting bilingual families
- Cochlear implant surgery, audiology and therapeutic follow-up
- Educational issues for children with deafness and hearing loss
- Hearing preservation
- Music appreciation
The 3-day Symposium is said to bring together more than 900 clinicians, scientists, educators, government officials, and health insurance representatives from across the country and around the world. The meeting provides educational and networking opportunities, as well as opportunities for participants to interact directly with vanguard companies on the cutting edge of technology in cochlear implantation and other hearing devices including bone anchored, middle ear and other hearing implants. Non-profit and for-profit companies in the field of hearing loss will also be in attendance sharing information on products and services.
To learn more about the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, visit the website at: