Podcaster Richard Pocker announced the availability of a book of the transcripts of 25 interviews form his website, cochlearimplantbasics.com Recognizing that many of those in need of a cochlear implant are uncomfortable reading from a computer screen, he created a compilation of those interviews. Available from Amazon, the English version is both in print and Kindle format.
The book contains transcripts of podcast interviews with cochlear implant recipients, surgeons, an audiologist, and other professionals who are part of the cochlear implant journey. They share their experiences.
The print version is available in Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese.
When hearing loss is too severe to be helped with a hearing aid, a cochlear implant might be suggested. It can be a frightening experience. This book is designed to help the candidate navigate the process and dispel some of the misconceptions about cochlear implants. A cochlear implant can help provide the ability to hear speech and environmental sounds even after a long period of deafness. The cochlear implant recipient can enjoy music again and use a telephone without fear, according to the author’s announcement. The author’s objective is to help those sitting on the fence “to move forward and get out of the isolation of deafness and enjoy full participation in life.” The author’s progressive hearing loss began when he was 7 and he wore hearing aids. By the time he was 30, he suffered a sudden total collapse of his residual hearing and was completely deaf for the next 35 years, before receiving simultaneous bilateral cochlear implant surgery. According to the author, he went from “zero speech comprehension to 85% with rehabilitation.”
The book includes interviews that reference frequently asked questions, post-surgical rehabilitation exercises; and a list of resources for cochlear implant candidates.
Click on the PURCHASE BOOK link at cochlearimplantbasics.com for more information.
Source: Richard Pocker
Images: Richard Pocker