HR Archives | April 1995 Hearing Review
By Sergei Kochkin, PhD
Summary: Consumer satisfaction ratings of completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids are equal or favorable to the most current [1994] MarkeTrak profile. CICs received better scores in key areas such as visibility, directionality, feedback, and performance while on the phone and in outdoor situations. Statistics point to CICs attracting a more youthful, less hearing-impaired market. CICs provide benefit, as measured by the APHAB, equivalent to the typical new hearing instrument.
Note: This article was published prior to the establishment of The Hearing Review website. You can read and/or download a PDF version of this article by clicking here or on the image to the right.
Original citation: Kochkin S. Customer Satisfaction and Benefit with CIC Hearing instruments. Hearing Review. 1995 Apr;2(4):16-26. Available at: