More than 200 original ideas have been posted on since the Oticon Foundation and Ida Institute launched "Ideas, Speak Up – Action and Awareness for Hearing Loss," a call for ideas to build awareness of hearing loss.

The Ida Institute reports that submissions have been received from around the globe and have included a wide variety of suggestions, from sophisticated smartphone apps to a simple sugar packet campaign.

“With two months remaining in the Ideas Campaign, we encourage everyone to visit and post an idea,” says Ida Institute managing director Lise Lotte Bundesen. “Your idea may be the one that captures the imagination of our judging panel or ignites a collaborative discussion that results in a winning concept with the potential to effect change locally or globally.”

Ideas submitted do not have to be technical. They can be as simple and intuitive as a witty message printed on coffee cups and sugar packets, which was suggested by contributors from South Africa and Canada. Other ideas take an innovative approach to educating the general public, such as development of an internationally recognized hearing inclusivity symbol that can serve as a visual reminder for good communication practices. More high tech and high profile concepts proposed by contributors from Denmark and the United States include awareness-building smartphone apps and international fashion events where high fashion is complemented with the latest design in hearing instruments.

In keeping with Ida Institute’s commitment to the open innovation process, participants can share, debate, comment, and vote for ideas posted on

Bundesen says that the campaign is already seeing positive results from just building the Ideas competition Web site. She said, “The community of individuals committed to making a difference for people with hearing loss continues to grow on a daily basis,” notes Bundesen, “It is clear that the online forum is an ‘idea’ that is already helping to raise awareness and effect positive change for people with hearing loss.”

The open call for ideas runs through September. From October through February 2013, implementation plans for the top-10 ideas will be developed. Subsequently, an expert panel of judges, made up of thought leaders in a variety of hearing and health care, innovation, and communication disciplines, will select three winning ideas that will be announced at the 2013 AudiologyNOW! conference.

Visit to register.

SOURCE: Ida Institute