The June 2013 Hearing Review Products


The Effect of Bandsplit Directionality on Speech Recognition and Noise Perception
By Kimi Møller, MA, and Charlotte Jespersen, MA
Study indicates that bandsplit directionality is critical for the success of algorithms that automatically switch among microphone modes.

Myths vs Reality: Sorting Out the Tinnitus Treatment Conundrum
By Jeff Carroll, PhD
Most tinnitus treatment programs should involve a combination of patient education, counseling, and ongoing management paired with an effective sound therapy device.

No Communication or Bad Communication: Which Is Worse?
By Kelly S. Riggs
Both are similarly destructive. Here are three “credibility killers” that can lead to bad communication with your staff.

Industry Insider: Patient “Test Drives”: Can They Flex Market Growth?
By Karl E. Strom
An interview with executives from Unitron about their new Flex:trial system.


View the June 2013 HRP interactive print edition.


May HRP Editor’s Message: Don’t Lose Sight of the Benefits!
By Karl Strom, Editor-in-Chief

The New Hearing Innovations at AAA 2013
If you missed AudiologyNOW! in Anaheim, here is a summary of new products and services offered at the show.

Just the Specs!
Our quarterly under-the-hood graphic overview of three hearing aids.

Just the Stats!
A statistical look at the hearing healthcare field.