Registration is now open for the Texas Hearing Aid Association (THAA) 71st Annual Convention & Southwest Regional Trade Show, June 15-16, at Hotel InterContinental Dallas located in the Dallas Galleria shopping area.

Convention At-A-Glance
The convention will follow the same Friday/Saturday format of recent years—the Board of Directors and Owner’s Group meetings will be held on Friday morning, followed in the afternoon by the Annual Membership meeting (2 CE hours), the opening reception, and the first session of the trade show. On Saturday, CE presentations, the final session of the trade show, the buffet luncheon, and the silent auction will be held.

Early Registration Discount Fee
The early registration discount fee for members will remain at $145 if you register by close of business May 15. All registration fees include:
• 10 CE hours from top industry speakers approved for Texas license renewal and BC-HIS,
• 10 networking functions with other dispensers, manufacturers, and suppliers,
• Free admission to the 2108 Southwest Regional Trade Show,
• Friday afternoon’s opening reception with food and open bar,
• Continental breakfast and buffet luncheon on Saturday,
• Morning and afternoon CE hospitality breaks on Saturday,
• Access to THAA 2018 Silent Auction bidding.

10 CE Hours Approved For License Renewal

The convention will offer 10 hours of continuing education credit approved for license renewal by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and for BC-HIS. Remember, licensed dispensers are required to obtain at least 10 of the 20 CE hours required during each two-year license renewal period from classroom (in-person) programs approved by TDLR. Attend the convention and get them all.

Hotel Room Reservations
We urge you to make your room reservations as soon as possible. We expect our discounted room block to sell-out quickly.

Official THAA Sponsors
We would like to thank our Official THAA Sponsors — Amplifon USA — Beltone — HITEC Group — Miracle Ear of Texas — Oticon — Phonak — Starkey Hearing Technologies — ReSound — Texas Special Instruments for their contribution to this year’s convention. Their support has made it possible to include all of the items listed above in your registration fee.

Thank you Official Sponsors for your support of THAA and the Texas dispensing profession!

Who Should Attend

This event is the annual meeting of the licensed hearing aid dispensers in Texas and across the Southwest. It is open to all licensed dispensers, apprentices, temporary permit holders, exhibitors, and spouses/significant others. All proceeds realized from this convention go to the THAA general operating fund to help pay for expenses incurred by the association in representing dispensers before the Texas Legislature, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, and other state agencies affecting licensed dispensers in Texas. Dispensers attending this meeting are doing more than just acquiring CE hours. They are supporting the only organization in the state that protects their license, their profession, and their livelihood. In addition, they continue their professional education by attending truly meaningful and worthwhile CE presentations.

Source: THAA

Image: THAA