September 11, 2007
Williams Sound recently announced it has begun shipping its new FM tour guide system, the "Whisper," to worldwide markets. The system was designed to ensure individuals participating in a group tour would share a hearing experience of equal quality.
The company reports the new system was engineered to address problems hearing issues that may be experienced by individuals in a large tour group who might miss important information because of the distance that separates them from their guide. Conversations and a variety of background noise can compound only add to the difficulty of hearing on a tour. Conversations and background noise, also, are some of the issues The Whisper Tour Guide System was designed to help overcome by combining wireless FM and personal listening technology.
In a recent news release, the system’s functions were outlined:
The tour guide uses the T863 transmitter equipped with a headset microphone to transmit their voice up to 98 feet (30 m) throughout the listening area. Tour participants use the R863 receiver equipped with a headset, earphone or neckloop to pickup the guide’s message. Individual volume controls on the receiver allow the participants to listen to the guide at their personal comfort level.
The Whisper units are in black, stylized, ergonomic cases. Detachable belt clips promote hands-free operation. The system features three selectable operating frequencies: 863.25 MHz, 863.75 MHz or 864.75 MHz. Up to three tour groups can operate the equipment in the same location, simultaneously, with no crosstalk or interference.
The Whisper Tour Guide System is packaged with a T863 transmitter; microphone, 10 R863 receivers, batteries and system carry case. The system is harmonized to operate in most European countries and meets CE approval and RoHS lead-free compliance guidelines. Williams Sound backs the TGS 863 with a 3-year factory warranty.
Learn more about the system at
Source: Williams Sound