Pictured from left to right, top row: Haley Askins, William Carosia, Kelsey Deputy, Nicole Deweese, Heidi Dymowski, Caitlin Ervin, and Daniel Gibbons. Pictured from left to right, bottom row: Theresa Mamah, John Mazzeo, Megan Myers, Amber Rosen, Megan Schenk, Latoya Shuler, Katherine Steinhafel, Alison Stich, Jiin Ling Wang, and Jennie Kapadia.

The Salus University George S. Osborne School of Audiology, Elkins Park, Pa, which offers the AuD degree and operates one of the largest residential AuD programs nationwide, recently welcomed 18 students into the class of 2012. 

Established in 2000, the School offers the first audiology program in the United States to be housed within a professional university. 

The AuD degree is based on an intensive biomedical foundation, and the curriculum focuses on basic and clinical science. Professional practice opportunities are offered in the School’s Pennsylvania Ear Institute.