Louisville, Ky – The Heuser Hearing Institute and the University of Louisville will present an international research symposium on spatial hearing and hearing loss April 15 & 16
The symposium will take place in a small, collegial setting promoting critical yet informal discussion among presenters and conference attendees. Presenters have been selected from various universities and organizations throughout the nation. More information can be found at www.thehearinginstitute.org.
The symposium will feature the latest findings and studies in the field of spatial hearing and hearing loss. Symposium participants can earn seven CEU credits from ASHA and AAA.
Section topics include sound localization, spatial hearing benefits for speech understanding, aided listening, room reverberation, and navigation applications. Specific topics vary by presenter and include; spatial hearing in reverberant sound fields, the role of hearing in pedestrian road crossing decisions, the effect of age, occlusion, and directionality on horizontal localization, localization in single-sided deaf adults fitted with a bone-anchored hearing aid (Baha) and predicting performance in a multi-talker environment.
Featured presenters include Douglas Brungart of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Virginia Best, Boston University, Frederick J. Gallun, VA RR&D National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research of Portland, Daniel H. Ashmead, Vanderbilt University, D. Wesley Grantham, Vanderbilt University, Lynzee Alworth, University of Louisville, Ann M. Rothpletz, University of Louisville, Brain Simpson, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Judy R. Dubno, Medical University of South Carolina, Thomas Behrens, Oticon A/S, Nandini Iyer from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Dr. Pavel Zahorik, University of Louisville.
WHEN: Satruday, April 15, 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM
Saturday, April 16, 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
WHERE: Heuser Hearing Institute: 117 E. Kentucky Street Louisville, KY 40203
SOURCE: Heuser Hearing Institute