
The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell), Washington, DC, has awarded $40,460 in arts and sciences awards to 54 students aged 6-19 who are deaf or hard of hearing and use spoken language to communicate.

This year’s award winners, who represent 18 states, Australia, and Canada, have a diverse range of interests from acting, dance, and animation to space exploration and engineering.

“AG Bell recognizes the importance of extracurricular activities in enriching the lives of young people with hearing loss,” says K. Todd Houston, PhD, executive director/CEO of AG Bell. “AG Bell’s financial aid program gives students an opportunity to explore their unique talents alongside their peers who share similar interests.”

The AG Bell Arts and Science Financial Aid Program offers awards ranging from $240 to $2,500 for students identified with moderate to profound hearing loss since birth or before acquiring spoken language. Award recipients’ use these funds to pursue arts and science exploration through programs sponsored by museums, art and music centers, science camps, and dance and theater workshops.