Hearing Aid Tax Credit supporters present a plaque to Rep Ron Kind to commemorate his visit to HLAA/AG Bell/IHS/HIA event in La Crosse, Wis. Left to right: Catherine Murphy (AG Bell); Karen Sealander (IHS). Rep Ron Kind; Andy Bopp (HIA); Micah Spangler (HIA); and Lise Hamlin (HLAA). |
Supporters of the Hearing Aid Tax Credit recently visited Rep Ron Kind (D-Wis) in his Washington office to thank him for his support of hearing health issues and to present a plaque to commemorate his visit to an August 2009 HLAA/AG Bell/IHS/HIA luncheon in his district.
The event, held in La Crosse, Wis, attracted 120 people with hearing loss and parents of children with hearing loss. It was the latest in a series of HIA-sponsored brunch events held across the country in support of the Hearing Aid Tax Credit.
HR 1646, the Hearing Aid Tax Credit, reached a record 119 cosponsors in the House and nine in the Senate as of May 13.
[Source: Hearing Industries Association]