At the recent World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) Board Meeting in Paraguay, the WFD reviewed bid proposals from countries wishing to host the 4th International Conference of the World Federation of the Deaf in 2021. Each proposal was reviewed based on the criteria outlined in the official bid process.
The WFD Board announced on its website that the National Association of the Deaf in Thailand has been selected to host the 4th International Conference of the WFD.
The WFD Board congratulates the National Association of the Deaf in Thailand on taking on the role of hosting the WFD Conference.
The President of the National Association of the Deaf in Thailand, Mr Withayoot J Bunnag along with the Association’s Board members are thrilled at being selected to host the 4th International Conference of the World Federation of the Deaf in Bangkok, Thailand. The Board of the National Association of the Deaf in Thailand is looking forward to meeting people from all over the world in Bangkok in 2021.
More information will be provided shortly from the National Association of the Deaf in Thailand.
Source: WFD