The National Community Hearing Association (NCHA) attended the Audiology Hub at 100% Optical in London, January 27-29, to raise the profile of hearing loss and audiology with primary eye care professionals, NCHA announced. NCHA is a nonprofit membership organization that works to improve hearing care.
In a presentation to primary eye care, NCHA Director of Policy and Strategy Harjit Sandhu explained the impact of hearing loss and encouraged optical professionals to signpost people with hearing difficulties to audiology. He also outlined common misperceptions about hearing loss and how opticians could help people access hearing care, including by working in partnership with local audiology providers.
A key theme of the weekend, set by speakers at the Audiology Hub, was collaboration between professionals and across sectors. Sector leaders acknowledged how both eye and hearing care professionals are transforming the way they work in order to meet the aging populations’ sensory needs and how there was much to gain by working closer together.
NCHA Chief Executive David Hewlett, said, “Too often the hearing sector misses opportunities to increase the profile of hearing loss across primary care. This year, the NCHA is taking the message about the importance of hearing loss as a major public health issue beyond our sector, starting with the professions we know best and where the synergies are clear. We will evaluate the success of this over the summer.”
Source: NCHA
Image: NCHA