While I was attending the International Hearing Society (IHS) Convention and Exposition in San Diego this mid-October, I happened to be at our booth on the floor of the Town & Country Resort’s Convention Center when on two occasions people came up, but not to ask if they could grab a free copy of our magazines or our Worldwide Registry, nor to inquire who I was and what the heck had I done with Karl Strom (hey, it’s happened!). Instead, they presented themselves before me simply to offer their sincere appreciation to The Hearing Review and Hearing Review Products for supporting the show with its collective presence.
And to that I say it’s our pleasure.
Certainly there are shows on the calendar that wield greater influence, generate higher levels of excitement and anticipation, and cast a far larger net to draw in record-breaking numbers of attendees. But I’ll tell you what: to really get up close to what’s going on and for a chance to get to know people like Bernie Greenspan from San Diego’s Ever-Dry, Scott Klein from Right Hear, in Waco, Tex, and Jean Duncan from Alberta, Canada’s Grant MacEwan College, you can’t beat shows like IHS.
And the Award Goes to:
At the IHS Convention Awards Luncheon in San Diego, the 2009 Hearing Review Professional Leadership Award recipient was Joel Mynders. Read Will’s presentation online.
Will Campbell
[email protected]