The Association of Adult Musicians with Hearing Loss (AAMHL) has announced its inaugural conference scheduled for May 29-30, 2015 in Washington DC. The 2-day conference has been planned to feature many opportunities for participants to hear the stories of musicians with hearing loss, to learn techniques for singing aural music with a hearing loss, and to listen to music. There will also be opportunities to make music using hand chimes. The first conference day is slated to end with an evening benefit concert. The second day of the conference will focus on consumer issues related to hearing loss.
Speakers featured on the agenda include Lise Hamlin, director of public policy at the Hearing Loss Association of America, who will discuss hearing loss and disability law; Pat Dobbs, founder of the Hearing Loss Revolution and the coordinator of HLAA-Morris County Chapter in New Jersey, who will talk about the 9 Guiding Principles of the Hearing Loss Revolution; and psychologist Dr Sam Trychin, who will be facilitating a workshop on managing stress when you have a hearing loss.
Real-time captioning and a loop system will be provided at the conference.
For more information about the AAMHL 2015 Conference, please visit the AAMHL conference website.  Those interested may also send an email to [email protected] or use the comment form on the conference website to make inquiries.
Source: AAMHL