MedRx Inc, Largo, Fla, has reached a supply agreement with AuDNet. Members of AuDNet are now eligible to receive preferred retail pricing on equipment as a benefit of membership to the group.
“The dynamic changes that we are observing today in the delivery system for new products are providing expanded opportunities for manufacturers such as MedRx to establish ‘preferred relationships’ with various networks and professional groups like AuDNet,” says MedRx Vice President Terry Ross. “Providing economic benefits to AuDNet member audiologists for our technologies is another marketing pathway, which provides additional incentive to trade up and into new and more contemporary instrumentation solutions.”
New generations of computer-based micro-technologies have recently been introduced to the hearing industry from MedRx that have been added to the product line mix available to AuDNet members.
“AuDNet is about promoting and branding audiology care, and as such our members have a need for quality diagnostic equipment,” says AuDNet CEO Kathy Foltner, AuD. “We are very pleased to be able to provide quality instrumentation at discounted pricing to our members.”