ADCO Hearing Products, Littleton, Colo, offers marketing support for ALDs. Now available is a full color ALD catalog designed for professionals who want to offer patients every opportunity for successful communication. The catalog features pictures and descriptions of over 35 of the most requested products and accessories to meet the most common needs. Printed without pricing or company information, this 16-page catalog is ready to customize for your business needs and patients. ADCO also offers a large selection of assistive listening devices and equipment for deaf and hard-of-hearing people in the professional products catalog. (800) 726-0851;
AVR presents the Logicom Ci FM receiver for cochlear implants, and the Logicom TX20 FM transmitter. The device reportedly can be plugged directly into the auxiliary port of the cochlear implant processor to receive clear speech from the TX20 FM transmitter microphone. When coupled to a BTE, the Logicom Ci can be worn on the shirt collar without restricting physical activity. The device features a 4-channel FM synthesizer on the 216-217 MHz band. (800) 462-8336;
Global Assistive Devices introduces the VibraLITE 3, the newest in the companys line of vibration watches. Designed for all age groups, this device has a repeatable countdown timer for reminders of medical conditions, medication, time management, timing tests, procedures, and presentations. The companys ALD line also includes alarm clocks, bed shakers, telephone ring signalers, and telephone caller IDs for television. (954) 784-0035;
Hal-Hen offers the Conversor, an FM-based system for hearing-impaired individuals. The device is designed to offer clarity and range, and is compatible with most other hearing instrument technology. The company also offers a wide range of assistive listening devices, including amplified receiver headsets, telephone sound and ring amplifiers, personal amplifiers, alarm clocks, strobe lights, bed vibrators, TV amplifiers and induction kits, telephone fire devices, alerting systems, closed captioning, amplified telephones, tinnitus maskers, and personal alerting systems. (516) 294-3200.
HARC Mercantile Ltd, Kalamazoo, Mich, introduces the PL40 Personal Listener. Slim, lightweight and compact enough to fit into a shirt pocket, this amplifier has both volume and tone controls. A detachable unidirectional microphone has advanced noise filtering technology, as well as a 12-ft extension cord for TV listening. An additional microphone is built into the case, and a padded high performance earbud is designed to provide quality sound and listening comfort. Drop-in style charger provides battery charging. (616) 324-1615;
Harris Communications, Eden Prairie, Minn, introduces the new lightweight hands-free cellphone amplifier with two selectable boosts of 15dB and 22dB. The product is designed to improve listening comfort in noisy environments, and is compatible with all headset and cellphone models, some of which may require the use of an adapter. In addition,the amplifier can be worn on a belt loop or placed in a shirt pocket, and can also be used either with an earphone, microphone (included), or a boom microphone with an attached over-the-ear speaker. The device comes with a 1-year warranty. (800)825-6758;
Hearing for Tomorrow Inc is the manufacturer and distributor of two assistive listening devices: the WhistleSTOP and Tel-Ear telephone attachments. Both products are designed to allow hearing instruments to remain in the ear while users are on the telephone. Available in both square and round configurations, the WhistleSTOP has been developed to snap easily onto most telephones. The Tel-Ear is adjustable and recommended for hard-to-fit telephones, and both products are recommended for all types of cordless phones. Manufactured in the US, these patented attachments can help eliminate feedback, and can also help hearing-impaired individuals to successfully engage in telephone conversations. (800) 669-7371.
Oticon Inc, Somerset, NJ, offers the System III and IV devices. System III consists of a handheld microphone, 6-ft cord, 17-ft extension cord and a boot for direct audio input (DAI) hook-up to the companys BTE hearing instruments. The system also is designed to fit all manufacturers hearing instruments that use boots with Euro connections (3-pin polarized plugs). System IV is identical to System III except for the microphone which has 9 dB greater sensitivity. Both systems are available as monaural or binaural. Oticon also carries a complete line of DAI cords and boots for all Oticon BTEs. When combined with various adapters, couplers, and parts, the DAI system will allow direct audio input from practically any audio source. (800) 526-3921;
Oval Window Audio, Nederland, Colo, offers the InfoLoop Receiver, compatible with all induction loop assistive listening systems. Designed for use by hard-of-hearing people who do not have telecoil-equipped hearing instruments, this product reportedly provides high-quality amplification of sound transmitted by induction loop ALS. The receiver offers visual and auditory confirmation of loop system performance. Other features include LED field strength display, maximum 110 dBA SPL output and automatic gain control, clothing clip and large volume control, on/off switch, power and low battery LED indicators, and headphones. (303) 447-3607;
Phonak offers MicroLink, one of the industrys smallest FM receivers. The product is designed to help users overcome challenging listening environments. With this wireless and discreet technology, users have the choice of the Microvox, HandyMic, or synthesized Campus S transmitters. For those who require a dedicated system for telephone and television, there is the Telcom transmitter. The MicroLink MLx receiver is also compatible with most brands of BTE instruments. (630) 821-5000;
Phonic Ear Inc, Petaluma, Calif, develops and markets advanced wireless assistive listening products for children and adults. The companys newest BTE is the Sprite 216, a digitally-programmable hearing instrument with WDRC and a built-in FM receiver. Available in two modelsModerate and PowerSprite can fit no loss through profound loss. (707) 769-1110;
Siemens offers four types of ALDs: amplified telephones, infrared listening systems, alarm/alert devices, and personal communicators. Among its array of products is the new Siemens DirectEar Set 810, an advanced infrared television listening system with features such as stereo/mono switch, compression switch, and speed charger in the transmitter. The DirectEar Set 100 infrared listening system is designed to provide enhanced sound for favorite programming at home, and at thousands of specially equipped public facilities. The CRESCENDO telephone reportedly delivers powerful sound quality without feedback for mild, moderate, and severe hearing losses. The Siemens Stroller phone offers enhanced sound. Other products include smoke detectors with strobe and amplified stethoscopes. (732) 562-6600;
The TeleTalker® is specifically designed to improve speech understanding over the phone. It combines a powerful amplifier with a sophisticated signal processing circuit to enhance phone signal quality. The POCKETALKER PRO Personal Amplifier is a portable amplifier that can improve the ability to communicate in difficult listening situations. It includes a choice of earphone/headphone. The SoundPlus® TV Infrared Listening System, model WIR 950, allows users to watch TV without disturbing others. The WIR 950 connects directly to a TV or VCR, and features an under-the-chin style receiver. (952) 943-2252;