At the EUHA convention in Leipzig from the October 15 to 17, hearing system manufacturer Bernafon, Berne, Switzerland, will present the new Avanti BTE family in the entry-level category, and the new lifestyle and design hearing system Brite 50X.
Avanti makes fully adaptive technology available in the entry-level category also. The product range includes a small, powerful, and attractive micro BTE and a compact BTE with a 13-size battery for greater hearing losses. Both instruments can be fitted with a standard ear hook or a thin tube. Avanti features an automatic program with signal processing in seven channels, adaptive directionality, adaptive noise reduction, and the proven data logging.
The award-winning Brite receiver-in-the-ear hearing system is available at three price points. Brite 50X in the mid-range category completes the product family, featuring a highly flexible automatic program with a choice of nine different signal-processing strategies. The company’s Lifestyle Profile helps ensure an easy and precise fitting. Two Brite speaker systems are now available for more fitting flexibility. The small S-speaker is suited for small ears or narrow canals, while the M-speaker allows fitting of larger ears with four lengths and an ear grip for better retention.