The Hearing Industries Association (HIA), Alexandria, Va, has joined with eight other national organizations to make hearing an issue of national concern during May is Better Hearing and Speech Month.
On May 18, members of the Congressional Hearing Health Caucus hosted an Issues Forum with Reps Jim Ryun, James Walsh, Carolyn McCarthy, and Lois Capps, and discussed the Hearing Aid Assistance Tax Credit Act (HR 414/S 1060) and the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act (HR 5250). A Dear Colleague letter, signed by the same four representatives, was sent to all Congressional members as well.
HIA continues to push passage of the hearing aid tax credit legislation, and urges all hearing aid tax credit supporters to contact their Congressional representative or senators and ask them to support and co-sponsor HR 414/S 1060. For more information, visit www.hearing.org/public.