GN Store Nord, the parent company of ReSound and Otometrics, has entered into an exclusive agreement with 3DM Systems to market its three dimensional ear scanner technology for fitting hearing aids.
GN Store Nord said in its press release that the technology is at an advanced stage and ready to be
3DM Systems (formerly known as ShapeStart), Atlanta, was founded in 2008 by brothers Karol (Karl) and George Hatzilias. With the agreement, GN Store Nord has acquired the exclusive, perpetual, and global rights to manufacture and sell the technology in the hearing aid industry. The investment is made as a part of GN Store Nord’s exploratory research projects aiming at discovering potential new business opportunities.
Rather than conventional silicone-based ear mold methods, 3DM’s ear scanner technology will enable audiologists or dispensers to obtain a precise electronic 3D impression of the ear. The scan is conducted within a few minutes by the dispenser and can immediately be emailed to the relevant hearing aid manufacturer or ear mold lab.
The 3DM technology can obtain a precise image of the ear from deep in the ear canal to the outer ear. Accurate measurement of the ear canal offers end users benefits due to superior fit and quality of the final hearing aid while at the same time avoiding discomfort from the silicone impression. For the dispenser, the new technology reduces remakes and returns and saves considerable overall fitting, shipping, and order handling time.
The initial acquisition price amounts to $12 million with potential additional performance based fees once the product is launched.
SOURCE: GN Store Nord