Alpha AI includes VoClear Technology and remote fitting services

ELEHEAR launches the Alpha AI, the newest hearing device in the company’s portfolio that can be fitted remotely. According to Elehear leaders, the device is AI-powered and incorporates VoClear technology, and also includes Bluetooth capabilities.

“The introduction of ELEHEAR Alpha to the market is a source of great excitement for us. In recent years, the hearing aids industry has experienced notable technological advancements, and one of the most noteworthy developments has been the integration of remote fitting functions,” explained a spokesperson for ELEHEAR.

Company leaders say that with remote fitting functions, users can access professional support and make adjustments to their devices in real time, without having to leave their homes or visit a hearing care professional in person.

“ELEHEAR Alpha is a game-changer, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on the industry and the lives of those who use it,” the company’s spokesperson commented. “With continued advancements in technology, we can expect to see further improvements in the future, benefiting millions of people worldwide who suffer from hearing loss.”

To learn more about ELEHEAR, visit the company’s website.

Source: ABNewswire

Images: ABNewswire