The recently introduced OtoVent™ EarDam System is designed to reduce the incidence and severity of discomfort for patients during the impression-taking procedure. The EarDam is made from compressible foam that stays compressed for approximately 15-20 seconds, allowing placement deep in the canal without pressure or abrasion against the canal walls. A vent tube that runs through the product allows air to vent behind the impression, eliminating suction on the tympanic membrane. The specially designed OtoControl™ Applicator provides control both in depth as well as in the lateral movement of the EarDam. Any other type of otoblock can also be used with the special OtoControl™ applicator. The Starter Kit includes three sizes of OtoVents™ (12 each), OtoControl™ Applicator and a protective case. Mandeville, LA: 800-344-7261.
Rebound Silicone Equal System is designed as the company’s premiere silicone impression material for all types of fittings—especially CIC and deep fitting earmolds. The product contains one jar of Part A, one jar of Part B, two measuring spoons and instructions (material for approximately 55 impressions). Rebound One Shots are pre-measured beige silicone impression material that are available with a peel-off backing and come ready to mix. Quantities include 10 units, 24 units, 50 units, 100 units and 500 units. X-Sil 200 contains one jar of silicone, one tube of accelerator and a measuring scoop (approximately 58 impressions). The Matrics Introduction Kit contains an application gun, four (blue) silicone cartridges, 18 mixing tips (approximately 20 impressions). Matrics Refill Kit contains eight silicone cartridges and 36 mixing tips (blue color, approximately 40 impressions). Powder and liquid is available in pre-measured kits and packs, or in bulk. EDI also offers a variety of oto-blocks (cotton/foam), earlights, otoscopes, syringes, mixing cups, spatulas and an impression techniques video. Minneapolis, MN: 800-334-6466.
Hal-Hen provides one-stop shopping for impression materials and supplies. The company offers products that range from the Per-Form H/H two-part silicone system to traditional powder and liquid materials. Also available are measuring and delivery syringes, ear dams, earlight configurations and trimming tools. The recently launched Accuflex II™ is designed to offer a new and improved formulation of the Hal-Hen cartridge-based impression system. Accuflex II™ includes an exclusive money-back guarantee, according to the company. Starter Kits are available, complete with everything required to start using a cartridge-based system. Garden City Park, NY: 800-242-5436.
Hocks introduces the company’s new Slim Foam Dams. These new dams are slightly smaller in diameter and about half as thick as the previous style. The Slim Foam Dams are reported to be ideal for deep canal impressions. Hocks also carries a full line of impression-taking materials and supplies. These products include: Pro Form, XL-100, XL-200, Silicone 50/50 and cartridges; impression gun and nozzles; disposable earlights and otoscopes; cotton dams; economy and professional syringes and germicidal wipes. Portland, OR: 800-654-6257.
Dur-A-Sil Equal silicone impression materials are formulated with deep-ear impression-taking procedures specifically in mind. With a durometer hardness of only 20-22 Shore A, Dur-A-Sil Equal is designed to be easier to remove from the bony portion of the ear canal with less irritation to the ear. With a softer and lower viscosity, the material creates less pressure and less distortion of the ear canal for more accurate impressions, and it cures quickly with no sag or shrinkage, according to the company. The product is currently available in economy size lots, pre-measured “mini-paks” and will soon be released in a cartridge system. Oaks, PA: 800-523-4081.
Magnatone, manufacturer of custom hearing instruments since 1967, offers several styles of impression materials and syringes to provide their customers with convenient one-stop shopping for hearing products and accessories. Two types of silicone impression materials are available, and both are suitable for CIC impressions. CopyCast is designed specifically for use with cartridge impression guns and is designed to flow freely and easily with minimum pressure. The material cures quickly in the ear leaving no oil or residue. SunCast uses two dosing spoons to make this material easy to use with a silicone syringe. It leaves no messy residue and does not shrink or irritate the skin, according to the company. Also available are powder and liquid impression material, oto-blocks, alcohol wipes and much more. Casselberry, FL: 800-327-5159.
Microsonic offers a wide array of impressioning products, including MEGA-SIL™, MICRO-SIL™ and SILASOFT™ silicone impression materials. QUIKFLOATERS™ instant swim/sound plugs, and conventional AUDALIN are designed for delivery via two sizes (standard and CIC) of the Microsonic Universal Syringe or the 100% Stainless Steel Syringe. In addition, MEGA PRESS™ impression systems reportedly meet the needs of dispensing professionals who prefer this self-mixing delivery method. Four sizes of cotton dams and seven sizes of foam oto-blocks are available, along with different styles of earlights, otoscopes and mixing accessories. Ambridge, PA: 800-523-7672.
Mid-States Laboratories offers Yellow Stuff and Yellow Stuff II, designed to suit the needs of quality-conscious dispensing professionals. The impression material has been developed to make a perfect impression every time, according to the company. The viscosity of Yellow Stuff is formulated to eliminate drooping, shrinking and distortion, and reduce the need for modifications and remakes. The impression material is said to provide hands-free mixing, and mixing tip extenders are available for small ear canals and CIC impressions. Wichita, KS: 800-247-3669.
Oaktree Products introduces the new HI 150 Cordless Electric Dispenser Gun. This lightweight, variable-speed impression gun comes complete with a rechargeable battery (recharges from any standard outlet). The dispenser gun reportedly dispenses any type of material from any type of cartridge. Oaktree also offers impression materials from several different manufacturers, foam and cotton dams, as well as impression syringes. Chesterfield, MO: 800-347-1960.
Oticon, Inc. offers two kinds of A-type silicone syringable impression materials. A-Zilicone is designed for all types of impressions except deep canal (CIC) fittings, while A-Soft is designed for deep impressions. Both come in boxes of 2×40 easy-to-mix, equally sized packets. A-type silicones are designed to provide improvement over C-type silicones in that shrinkage after one week is only 0.15% versus 0.40% for the C-types (4.0% for acrylic materials). A-type materials allow three minutes for mixing and injection versus 1 minute for the C-type; curing takes 4 1/2 minutes after mixing versus 5 1/2 minutes for the C-type. Oticon’s A-type silicones have been FDA-cleared for non-toxicity and non-allergenity. The Shore value of A-Zilicone is 45 and A-Soft is 30. Somerset, NJ: 800-526-3921.
Precision Laboratories is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of custom earmolds for hearing instruments, hearing protection, monitors and communication devices, according to the company. Precision carries a variety of impression and instant earmold materials, including VS 100 2-Part Impression Material, Blue Ultra Cartridge Impression System and Pro Float Instant Ear Protection. The company stocks classic powder and liquid impression material, as well as syringes, cotton and foam ear dams and vented dams for deep-canal impressions. Precision also features its Deluxe Otoprobe Light, an earlight with a solid rotary switch, replaceable lightbulb and batteries, and optional tips for use as a screwdriver and wax removal tool. Altamonte Springs, FL: 800-327-4792.
Qualitone invites readers to call and discuss impression material options with their experienced staff. Qualitone offers two choices of materials. Precise II is designed as an easy-to-mix blue and white silicone material of standard viscosity that is injected using a traditional syringe. Two 250 ml tubs provide 25-30 impressions. X-acto 2000 contains 50 pre-measured powder and liquid packets, convenient for in-the-field impression taking. Order the “Bonus Kit” and get an X-acto pen, foam otoblocks, disposable ear light, mixing bowl and spatula. Minneapolis, MN: 800-328-3897.
Silhouette Plus uses an advanced dispensing gun geometry and the latest silicone technology designed to create an ear impression that is smooth, easy to use and comfortable for the patient, while creating an optimum impression for the lab to process. Siemen’s latest impression material utilizes a lower viscosity to gain accuracy while remaining a thixotrope, preventing the material from slumping and pulling away from the ear. Along with its redesigned dispensing gun, Silhouette Plus offers processing labs consistently high quality and accurate impressions, according to the company. Piscataway, NJ: 800-766-4500.
Starkey Laboratories has developed Precise™, a silicone-based impression material created especially for deep canal fittings. Precise was designed for maximum ease of use with as little waste as possible. The vulcanized material is reportedly stable, light and does not shrink, maintaining the exact dimensions and detail of your patient’s ear canal. The Precise impression package comes in an easy-to-use container with mixing tools. The silicone and accelerant material are different colors (white and blue), so that the professional can easily see if the material is not mixed sufficiently. Eden Prairie, MN: 800-328-8602.
To help achieve uniformly good ear impressions, UHS distributes its own ear impression material under the trademark label Earprint. The material is designed to be easy to use, malleable, soft but firm, rugged (it travels well), accurate and inexpensive. Earprint comes in two jars—green and white. When mixed as instructed, it becomes activated and produces at least 75 professional-quality ear impressions. Earprint impression material is also available in cartridge form suitable to use with currently available impression guns. This material is creamier and is recommended for softer textured skin, or for ears with abrupt shapes or bends. Plainfield, CT: 800-835-2001.
OTOFORM-A/K in tubs is a kneadable standard material, non-sticky and smooth, in a consistency that builds up slight pressure: an even, but dosed pressure is exerted on the ear tissue. In cases of ear tissue with minimal resilience, this is advantageous for the fitting and sealing of the earmolds, reports the company. Application is performed with the DREVE-Impression Syringe “Standard” or “CIC” (final hardness: 35 Shore A). OTOFORM-A/K in the S50 double cartridge is designed as the first non-sticky, kneadable ear impression silicone for the pressure developing impression technique in double cartridges. The advantages of the cartridge system include fast, secure and hygienic work, according to the company. Minneapolis, MN: 800-328-4757.
Westone Laboratories offers a full line of impression materials and supplies for any office, from the syringes and eardams to the materials themselves. Westone’s SiliClone has become its most popular cartridge impression material, so the company reports that it decided to make it better by introducing SiliClone firm. SiliClone firm has all the advantages of a cartridge material, but offers a viscosity comparable to its Pink Silicast silicone material. This material utilizes the new S-50 cartridge system, which is designed to better prevent premature contact/contamination of the base/catalyst parts. Westone’s new electric injector gun is an improved model designed to be a lightweight yet powerful gun that will handle any S-50 cartridge material. The gun runs off a rechargeable battery pack and is completely portable. Other products include Silicone Singles and Silicast materials and the PROS vented oto-dam system. Colorado Springs, CO: 800-525-5071.