Question: What percentage of hearing aids purchased in 2004, 2005, and so far in 2006 were BTE hearing instruments?
Answer: 26%, 32%, and 42%.1
It is no surprise the open-fit BTEs are the leading force in the dramatic increase in BTE sales over the past two years. Early open-fit products were feature and choice limited. Today, you and your patients have a choice in open-fit technology and price.
Unitron Hearing’s Moda open-fit 10A BTEs offer outstanding features in the entry and mid-level categories—meeting your patients’ performance, style, and budgetary needs.
For even greater flexibility, all Moda 10A BTEs can be fit with either slim-tube open fittings or traditional earmolds. Within the fitting software, you can select slim-tube or standard earmold to match the acoustics to the BTE coupling you have selected. This allows you to fit Moda to a wide range of hearing loss.
Offer your patients more choice in open-fit BTEs—Moda is styled for Conversa.NT, Unison 6, and Unison 3.
1. Hearing Industries Association. HIA statistical reporting program, First Quarter 2006. Alexandria, Va: HIA; April 2006.
For information, contact:
Unitron HearingPlymouth, Minn, (800) 888-8882