Building on the “15” theme, Pietranton reports via her announcement, the new series will start in July 2015 and will run for a period of 15 months (until September 2016). The CE courses will be free to all ASHA members during that 15-month period. Starting in July, these complimentary, 30-minute courses will come online, one per month, and each will be available until the end of that month. ASHA members who are unable to take the course during the free (1 month) period, can purchase it for the cost of $15.
Every course is designed to provide a 30-minute, deep dive into a timely topic and is an opportunity to earn 0.05 ASHA CEUs (or 0.5 Professional Development Hours). The courses will cover a variety of clinical topics, settings, and client age ranges in audiology and speech-language pathology, offering practical takeaways with each course offering. Some of the courses will take the form of an actual case study that centers on a specific client or scenario; other courses will use a broader approach to explore clinical issues on a particular topic. All of the material will be accessible via streaming video on any desktop, laptop, or mobile device that has Internet access, assuring the most convenient learning possible. Members who take every course offered can earn a total of 0.75 CEUs (or 7.5 PDHs).
To register and view the course list, visit the ASHA Web Page of Upcoming Free CEU Courses. Or, alternatively, visit the ASHA store, select the “CEU Courses” tab, then select “Free CEUs” from the left side and review the course offerings.
Source: ASHA
I want to apply for online speech and haering pathology course. Please help me out to find out how to apply?
Hi Mitali,
To get to ASHA’s online courses click on this link and then next to the course you want, click on the orange button that says “Register”:
Alternately, follow this link to the ASHA Store, and then click on “CEU Information” at the bottom of the Web Page to learn more:
Thanks ASHA for the free courses and opportunity to earn CEUs from my home.
The courses offered have been fabulous.