Vangie Neeley, AuD |
Inc, Largo, Fla has named Vangie Neeley, AuD, as director of audiology at its corporate headquarters.
Neeley has more than 28 years of clinical, educational, and private practice experience within the hearing care field, and in 2001 received her doctorate from the Arizona School of Health Sciences.
“Dr Neeley is a welcome addition to the MedRx team," says Ron Buck, president of MedRx. "She has the experience and skills that will ensure that our company will continue to develop relevant and meaningful technologies that meet the needs of our changing profession.”
Neeley will support and expand clinical and diagnostic instrumentation sales, develop and implement external and internal training programs, consult with and advise the company’s product designers, and establish liaisons to the audiology and medical professions.
MedRx is a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of advanced PC-based medical and diagnostic instrumentation for the hearing health care industry.