AG Bell, Washington, will donate ten 2009 Helen Hulick Beebe Auditory-Verbal Practice Scholarships valued at $1,000 each to support professional development critical to the success of listening and spoken language practice.
Applicants must be either certified listening and spoken language specialists (LSLS) or candidates for LSLS certification.
Recipients may use the scholarship to:
-Attend professional workshops on listening and spoken language practice (such as the 2009 AG Bell Listening and Spoken Language Symposium in St Louis)
-Develop training materials/workshops
-Allow time in their caseload to mentor candidates
-Present at workshops for which no reimbursement is otherwise provided
-Purchase books or other training materials
-Contribute to the costs of earning eligibility and completing the LSLS application process
The deadline for submitting applications is May 13 at 5 pm EST. Click here for more information and to download an application.
[Source: AG Bell]